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IAS 1: Presentation of FSs. content. 2 Lernen beginnen
Recommended format of FSs. | Detailed issues to be included in disclosure notes.
Current asset is an asset that: 3 Lernen beginnen
Will be realised or consumed during the entity's normal trading cycle. | Or is held for trading. | Or will be realised within 12 months of the reporting date. to realise an asset - ułynniać aktywa
Current liability is a liability that: 3 Lernen beginnen
Will be settled during the entity's normal trading cycle. | Or is held for trading. | Will be settled within 12 months of the reporting date.
OCI are income and expenses that, are recognised outside ...? Lernen beginnen
outside of profit or loss.
Items of OCI must be presented as either items that might be reclassified ...?: 2 Lernen beginnen
that might be reclassified to profit or loss in the future. | Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in the future.
Disclosure notes include important information about? # Lernen beginnen
Sources of uncertainty. | Unrecognised items. | Accounting policies. | Valuation techniques. | Events after reporting period. SUAVE (układny, uprzejmy)
Disclosures notes should be ordered systematically. This might mean: 3 Lernen beginnen
Displaying the most relevant issues prominently. | Group similar items together. | Following the order in which items are presented in the primary FSs.
Accounting concepts to apply in preparation of FS. Lernen beginnen
Accruals. | GC. | Offsetting. | Materiality and aggregation. | Consistency. | Comparability.
Accounting policies can only change if: 2 Lernen beginnen
The change is required by a standard or interpretation. | Or the change results in more relevant and reliable information.
Changes in accounting policies are accounted for retrospectively as if... Lernen beginnen
the new policy had always been applied. Misstatements due to fraud and errors are also corrected retrospectively.
Discontinued operation definition 2 + 3 Lernen beginnen
A component of an entity that has been sold, | or component which is classified as held for sale. and which is Separate line of business (or geographical area of operations). | or single co-ordinated PLAN to DISPOSE of separate major line or area. | Or a subsidiary acquired solely for resale.
A single amount for discontinued operations is presented on a face of... Lernen beginnen
A single amount for discontinued operations is presented on a face of the SPL. This comprises: 3 Lernen beginnen
The post-tax profit-or-loss of discontinued operations. | Any profit-or-loss on disposal; | Or any loss on classification as held for sale.
Definition form IAS 34. Lernen beginnen
A financial reporting period that is shorter than a full financial year. IAS 34: Interim financial reporting.
The minimum content that should be included in an interim financial report: 2 Lernen beginnen
4 condensed financial statements. | Selected disclosure notes. A condensed SoFP. | A condensed SPLaOCI. | A condensed SOCIE. | A condensed SoCFs.