500 most important Slovak verbs 426 - 450

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to ensure
We must ensure that all people have equal chances.
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taktiež: zaistiť
Musíme zabezpečiť rovnaké šance pre všetkých ľudí.
to burst
She burst into laughter when she saw his new glasses.
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Vybuchla smiechom keď videla jeho nové okuliare.
to transform
In the movie, the car transforms to a robot and helps save the worlds.
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V tom filme sa auto premení na robot a pomôže zachrániť svet.
to attach
Attach a recent photograph to your application form.
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taktiež: priložiť
Pripojte k žiadosti aktuálnu fotografiu.
to adore
I adore going to the theatre.
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to adore Englisch
Zbožňujem chodiť do divadla.
to lean
Don't lean againt the wall! The paint is still wet!
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oprieť sa
Neopieraj sa o stenu! Farba stále nevyschla!
to tighten
I have to tighten my belt until I find a job.
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Musím si utiahnuť opasok dokiaľ si nenájdem prácu.
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"Slovak Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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