
 0    37 Datenblatt    dawidoperskalski
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I studied last year, so I remember a little
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Ho studiato l'anno scorso, quindi ricordo un po'
I was studying
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stavo studiando
two thousand and twenty-one
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from the year two thousand and one
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dall'anno duemilaventuno
I have this
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io ho questo
the closet
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il ripostiglio
there are lots of tourists
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ci sono tantissimi turisti
I miss a little
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mi manca un po'
You studied in a beautiful place
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Hai studiato in un posto bellissimo
we broke up
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ci siamo lasciati
the area around my apartment is quiet
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la zona intorno al mio appartamento è tranquilla
it is hard to explain
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è difficile da spiegare
Easter Cake
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Torta di Pasqua
Easter basket
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cesto di Pasqua
bread, ham, butter
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pane, prosciutto, burro
if you want we can talk
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se vuoi possiamo parlare
I have some time
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Ho un po' di tempo
the countryside
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la campagna
she was talking about
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lei stava parlando di
I don't understand what you want from me
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Non capisco cosa vuoi da me
if you don't want to talk, you don't have to
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se non vuoi parlare non devi
please can you repeat?
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per favore, puoi ripetere?
today I came by bicycle
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oggi sono venuto in bicicletta
I wake up at six
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mi sveglio alle sei
Can you send the link to the book?
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Puoi mandare il link al libro?
Maria wants to go to the disco tonight
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Maria vuole andare in discoteca stasera
Alessio can't because he has to study
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Alessio non può perché deve studiare
Carla wants to accept the proposal
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Carla vuole accettare la proposta
eleventh flor
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undicesimo fiore
undici -i +esimo
to apply
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Send a message
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Mandare un messaggio
I got a call
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ho avuto una chiamata
Do not disturb me
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Non mi disturbi
we must avoid the problem
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dobbiamo evitare il problema
the citizens of lisbon were really nice
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i cittadini di lisbona erano davvero simpatici
they follow the new technologies
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loro seguono le nuove tecnologie
I wake up at half past six
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mi sveglio alle sei e mezza

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