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a calculated risk
szacowane ryzyko
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something risky done after thinking carefully about what might happen
a major risk
poważne ryzyko
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a large risk, or a risk that could have very serious or worrying results
to assess a hazard
ocenić zagrożenie
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to consider and evaluate something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problems
to be at risk
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be in a situation where harm may occur
forward thinking
myślenie przyszłościowe
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plans, ideas etc. that are helpful in a way that can prepare for the future
to manage risk
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to control or deal with a risk
to minimise risk
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reduce risk down to the bare minimum possible
to mitigate risk
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to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful or serious
to pose a threat
stanowić zagrożenie
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to prevent a possibility that something bad will happen
a potential risk
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a possible risk
a preventive measure (preventative measures)
środki zapobiegawcze
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something intended to stop something unwanted, such as illness, from happening
to prevent disasters
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to stop something very bad from happening, or stop someone from doing something dangerous
to reduce (the) risk (of)
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decrease the likelihood of a risk, or making a potential problem less serious
a risk analysis
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the process of calculating how much risk there is in a situation and how serious the risks are
to run the risk
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to be in a situation where there is a possibility that something bad could happen
to suffer damage
ponieść szkody
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to experience a bad effect or physical harm
to take a/the risk – embrace a/the risk
podejmować ryzyko
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– to do something that might have bad results
to test solutions
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to try out a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation

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