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Contract that gives the right to use an underlying asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. 'contract'
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The entity that provides the right-of-use asset and - in exchange - receives consideration. 'provides the right-of-use asset'
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The entity that obtains use of the right-of-use asset and - in exchange - transfers consideration.
A contract contains a lease if it gives the right to control the... 3cz Lernen beginnen
the use of an identified asset | for a period of time | in exchange for consideration.
A contract contains a lease if it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. For this to be the case, the contract must give customer two rights: 2 | Identifying a lease Lernen beginnen
The right to substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the identified assets and | the right to direct the use of the identified asset. direct - kierować
Lessee accounting - initial treatment. Basically, the lessee should recognize a liability and a right-of-use asset at the commencement of the lease: Liability at present value at total of: | Right-of-use asset at total of: Lernen beginnen
Fixed payments | Variable payments, | Purchase options* | Termination penalties. | Residual Value guarantee*. Initial liability value. | Payments at commencement. | Direct costs of acquisition. | Dismantling costs A residual value guarantee is when the lessor is promised that the underlying asset at the end of the lease term will not be worth less than a specified amount.
The CA of the lease liability is increased by ...? Lessee accounting - subsequent treatment. Lernen beginnen
The CA of the lease liability is increased by the interest charge. This interest is also recorded in...? Lessee accounting - subsequent treatment. Lernen beginnen
The CA of the lease liability is reduced by...? Lessee accounting - subsequent treatment. Lernen beginnen
The right-of-use asset is normally measured using ... model. This means it is measured at ... less ...... Lessee accounting - subsequent treatment. Lernen beginnen
using cost model. This means it is measured at its initial cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.
Exceptions. The lessee can choose to recognise the lease payments in the PoL on a straight line basis if the lease is ...? 2 Lessee accounting - subsequent treatment. Lernen beginnen
is short-term* | or of a low value. * less than 12 months at the inception date.
Leases must be classified at inception as either... 2 Lernen beginnen
a finance lease | or an operating lease. Finance lease - where the risk AND rewards of ownership transfer to the lessee. | Operating lease - a lease which is not a finance lease.
IFRS 15 gives the following indications that the risks and rewards of ownership have transferred to the lessee: 5 Lernen beginnen
Ownership is transferred at the end of the lease.| Lessee has the option to purchase the asset at the end of a lease for less than FV.| Lessee can continue to lease the asset at the end of a lease for less than market rents. OPC The lease term is for the major part of the asset's life. | The PV of the minimum lease payments are substantially all of the FV of the leased asset.
Under a finance lease, the lessor must: 3 Lernen beginnen
Derecognise the leased asset. | Recognise a lease receivable at the PV of the minimum lease payments*. | Recognise income on the lease receivable using the rate implicit in the lease. *plus estimated unguaranteed residual value of the asset.
Under a operating lease, the lessor must: 3 Lernen beginnen
Continue to recognise | and depreciate the leased asset. | Recognise lease rental income in PoL on a straight line basis.
The treatment of a sale and leaseback depends on whether whether the 'sale' represents the... Lernen beginnen
whether the 'sale' represents the satisfaction of a performance obligation. (as per IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers)
Accounting treatment of for seller-lessee, if transfer is NOT a sale. 2 | Sale and leaseback Lernen beginnen
Continue to recognise asset. | Recognise a financial liability equal to proceeds received.
Accounting treatment for a seller-lessee if transfer IS a sale. 4 | Sale and leaseback Lernen beginnen
Derecognise the asset. | Recognise a right-of-use asset as the proportion of the previous CA.*| Recognise a lease liability. | A PoL on disposal will arise. *that relates to the rights retained.
Accounting treatment for buyer-lessor if transfer is NOT a sale. 2 | Sale and leaseback Lernen beginnen
Do not recognise the asset. | Recognise a financial asset equal to transfer proceeds.
Accounting treatment for buyer-lessor if transfer IS a sale. 2 | Sale and leaseback Lernen beginnen
Account for the asset purchase. | Account for the lease by applying lessor accounting requirements.
Lessee accounting - initial treatment. Basically, the lessee should recognize two categories of items: 2 Lernen beginnen
Liability at present value at TOTAL of... | Right-of-use asset at TOTAL of...
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Where the risk and rewards of ownership are transferred to the lessee.
Operating lease definition: Lernen beginnen
A lease which is not a finance lease.