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nie mówiąc już o
Ledwo co mówiła z policjantami, nie mówiąc już o tym, że z jednym uciekła
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let alone
She had scarcely ever talked to a policeman, let alone gone out with one.
od samego początku, przez cały czas
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all along
Perhaps they had been mistaken all along.
powściągliwy / trzymać się z dala
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aloofness - powściagliwość, rezerwa
Guy became aloof and silent. The Emperor kept aloof from all political parties.
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is a cultural and historical region in eastern France, now located in the administrative region of Grand Est. Alsace is located on France's eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland.
przeróbka, przebudowa, zmiana
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The alterations to the house must have cost a fortune. It is not possible to make major alterations to existing arrangements.
występować na przemian
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to alternate (with)
The Third World suffers from a cycle of drought alternating with floods.
co drugi dzień
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on alternate days
every second day, every other day
He and I clean our room on alternate days.
oburęczny albo dwulicowy
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two-faced, insincere
A man who is ambidextrous will sign his name differently with his right or left hand, but it is the same signature.
dorzecze Amazonki
tributaries - dopływy
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the Amazon basin
The Amazon basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries.
fuzja, połączenie
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mixture, combination
The association was formed by the amalgamation of several regional environmental organizations. The company began as an amalgamation of small family firms.
iść spokojnym krokiem
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walk casually
I ambled along with John through the village.
zasadzka, pułapka
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lying in wait; concealed position
A whole battalion got caught in an ambush. Our nknights were killed in ambush
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improve, upgrade, alleviate
Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.
uległy, posłuszny / otwarty, przychylny
willing, cooperative or able to be judged; responsible
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amenable to something podlegający czemuś, podatny na coś
She may be more amenable to the idea now because she was always a very amenable child. Such conditions may be amenable to medical intervention.
udogodnienia, wyposażenie
conveniences. comforts
Brakuje nawet najbardziej podstawowych udogodnień.
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public amenities = obiekty komunalne przymiotnik basic amenities = podstawowe wyposażenie
They lack even the most basic amenities.
życzliwy, uprzejmy (np. osoba, charakter) / miły, przyjemny (np. pogawędka, rozmowa)
Ona jest uprzejmą osobą, jest pogodna i pomocna. Nasza pogawędka na ulicy była przyjemna
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affable, amicable, cheerful, cordial
She's an amiable person, she's cheerful and helpful. Our chat on the street was amiable
przyjacielski, przyjazny (np. gest, zachowanie)
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an amicable agreement, relationship etc is one in which people feel friendly towards each other and do not want to quarrel
That was an unexpected, amicable agreement/divorce. Their relationship hasn’t always been amicable.
nie tak, nie w porządku, źle
Coś jest z nią nie w porządku. wszystko jest w porządku. wydaje się, że coś jest nie tak;
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There is something wrong with her
There is something amiss with her. there is nothing amiss. something seems to be amiss.
woda amoniakalna
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Ammonia or azane is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3.
skład amunicji
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ammunition dump / depot
ammo dump
ammunition depot, ammunition supply point (ASP), ammunition handling area (AHA), ammunition dump, is a military storage facility for live ammunition and explosives.
dostać amoku / rosnąć w zawrotnym tempie (ceny)
puścił wodze fantazji
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run amok
Amuck, Uncontrolled
his imagination ran amok. The two dogs ran amok in a school playground.
kochliwy, miłosny, uwodzicielski
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She resisted his amorous advances. He was always boasting about his amorous adventures. John made amorous advances to Maria all the time.
amorficzny, bezpostaciowy / bezkształtny (o obiekcie), niespójny (np. styl)
niewyraźny kształt; bezładna zbieranina czegoś
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amorphous shape, an amorphous collection of sth.
znak pisarski będący daleko przetworzonym symbolem łacińskiego spójnika „et”, polskiego „i” – stąd potoczna polska nazwa tego znaku – „etka”.
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obszerny, obfity, dostateczny
Otrzymuję pokaźny zasiłek i przyzwoitą pensję. aż nadto. dziękuję, to aż nadto! Christina posiada obfity biust
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I receive an ample allowance and salary. more than ample. thank you, that’s more than ample! an. Christina has got ample bosom
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Amp is a piece of electrical equipment that makes sound louder
ku mojemu rozbawieniu
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much to my amusement
He got up and sang 'Yellow Submarine', much to everyone’s amusement. He had a look of amusement
salon gier
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amusement arcade
środek przeciwbólowy, analgetyk
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This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites. An analgesic or painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain
pradziad, prozdek, antenat
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antecedent - przodek, poprzednik. ancestry - pochodzenie / descendant - potomek
There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.
miejsce cumowania / punkt oparcia
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The bay is well known as a safe anchorage.
Sardela to mała najczęściek słonowodna ryba będąca pokarmem dla innyc hryb
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anchovy is a small, common salt-water forage fish
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ancillary staff/workers an ancillary role Campaigning to change government policy is ancillary to the charity's direct relief work.
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przymawiać się, starać się zwrócić na siebie uwagę kogoś
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to angle for
Wanting things
I am quite sure she was not angling for a compliment. Mark angle for Janes. He's clearly angling for a job/an invitation. attention
kierować coś do
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to angle sth towards/to
The whole thing was angled towards flirtation and amusement.
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to angle for trout - łowić pstrągi; to go angling - pójść na ryby
boleść, katusze, męczarnie
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agony, pain, torture, suffering, distress, angst, misery, sorrow, grief, heartache, desolation, and despair
Maria cried out in anguish. She is in anguish because of loss of her son.
kątowy, kanciasty (struktura, cechy), kościsty
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Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty. He was tall, angular young man
animować, ożywiony
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life and living
An identical expression of amusement animated their faces.
złość, niechęć
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animosity between sb and sb wzajemna niechęć or animozja między kimś a kimś; to feel animosity odczuwać wrogość; petty animosities drobne animozje
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zniszczyć, unicestwić
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... if the human race should be annihilated. They annihilated all opposition within six weeks.
komentować, robić przypisy do
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The pages were annotated and signed "Paul Schmidt".
renta roczna
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a fixed amount of money that is paid each year to someone, usually until they die
life(-time) annuity - renta dożywotnia; deferred annuity - renta o odroczonym terminie wypłaty; pension annuity - emerytura po kapitalizacji
Ich małżeństwo zostało anulowane rok temu.
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Their marriage was annulled last year.
Płaca to 27000 dolarów rocznie i mieszkanie.
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per annum
The salary is $27,000 per annum, and plus housing.
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kurtka z kapturem
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bronić się słowami
Nie zawsze dobrze jest bronić się słowami - milczenie jest złotem.
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answer back
It's not always good to answer back - silence is gold.
odpowiadać za
Trener musiał odpowiedzieć za słabe wyniki drużyny.
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answer for
Their coach must answer for the team’s poor performance.
odpowiedzialny (przed kimś za coś)
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Soldiers who obey orders to commit atrocities should be answerable for their crimes. Any European central bank should be directly answerable to the European Parliament.
podnosić stawkę
podnosić stawkę
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raise up the ante
to increase your demands or to increase the risks in a situation, in order to achieve a better result Usage notes: The ante is an amount of money that must be paid in card games before each part of the game can continue.
Upping the Ante: 5 Tips for Negotiating Salary. The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed.
Histotryczne zaprzeszłości
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Historical antecedents. The Byrds are seen as an antecedent of bands like R.E.M.
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anteroom, antechamber
Anteroom is a smaller room serving as an entryway into a larger room.
prenatalny, przedporodowy
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Many young mothers do not attend antenatal classes
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Going back to work after a month travelling in China was bound to be an anticlimax
w lewo / odwrotnie do ruchu wskazówek zegara
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He drove round the courtyard anticlockwise.
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behaviour that seems strange, funny, silly, or annoying
cNervous breakdown or performance art? James Franco has written an essay in The New York Times dissecting Shia LaBeouf's recent antics which has the press in a "feeding frenzy." We’re all growing tired of his childish antics.
antycyklon, układ wysokiego ciśnienia, wyż
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Anticyclone is an area of high air pressure that causes calm weather in the place it is moving over
przestarzały, staroświecki
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obsolete, old-fashioned / antique - zabytkowy
It will take many years to modernize these antiquated industries. Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated. antiquated ideas/attitudes/values antiquated laws/machinery/technology
środek odkażający
I washed out the wound with antiseptic. Listerine is great anitseptic muthwash
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Antles are the pair of horns that grow from the head of the male of some animals, such as deer, and that look like branches
kowadło i podkowa
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anvil and horseshoe
Anvil is heavy iron block on which heated metal is shaped by hitting it with a hammer.
zależeć komuś na czymś / zaniepokojony
zależy jej na wyjeździe za granicę. he is anxious that we should meet
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be anxious to/that
she is anxious to go abroad. he is anxious that we should meet
każda wymówka będzie dobra
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any excuse will do
You must find some excuse—oh, any excuse will do
w każdym przypadku
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in any case
I don’t see why I couldn’t do it. In any case, I’m going to try. He’s too young to come and in any case I want him to spend the time with Mom.
lada dzień/minutę, wkrótce, niebawem
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any day/minute now
The guests will arrive any minute now. Pregnant Isla Fisher Looks Like She Could Give Birth Any Day Now!
w każdym razie, tak czy inaczej
At any rate, the Commission is now working on such a strategy and a relevant communication will be tabled very soon, in the next few weeks in fact.
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at any rate
czy któreś z was umie śpiewać?
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can any of you sing?
tak czy owak
i tak pójdę. zrób to, jak(kolwiek) chcesz. zostawia wszystko byle jak
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I shall go anyhow. do it anyhow you like. she leaves things just anyhow
Złe wieści szybko się rozchodzą.
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Ill weeds grow apace.
daleko od siebie
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a long way apart
Juan and Xenia stood a long way apart
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On dostosował szerokość przesłony.
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He adjusted the aperture.
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Aphid is any of various small insects, such as the greenfly, that suck the juices of plants for food.
za sztukę, na sztukę
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both, all, each & every
In good condition, wood from this period sell for 10 PLN apiece.
opanowanie, pewność siebie, zimna krew
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self-control, composure - confidence and style:
Winston conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with his usual aplomb
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sorry, sorrofull, regretfull
She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing. I hope he was suitably apologetic for breaking your glasses.
apoplektyk, wściekły
On był wściekły do granic wytrzymałości
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Angry and displeased
He was apoplectic with rage/fury.
apopleksja / udar mózgu
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I was appalled at/by the lack of staff in the hospital. The state of the kitchen appalled her.
Appalachy – pasmo górskie we wschodniej części Ameryki Północnej, w USA i Kanadzie. Rozciągają się od Niziny Zatokowej w kierunku północno-wschodnim do Nowej Fundlandii, na długości 2600 km. Najwyższy szczyt to Mount Mitchell – 2037 m n.p.m
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Appalachian Mountains
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... photographs of local brides in full wedding apparel.
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I think I saw w ghostly apparition of a man in the forest.
nie przemawia do mnie
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it doesn't appeal to me
Laying in bed really doesn't appeal to me. These books are designed to appeal to children but it doesn't appeal to me, Making selfie to the mirror doesn't appeal to me at all.
pociągający, kuszący / błagalny
Ta cecha czyniła go pociągającym. Czy to brzmi jak interesujący pomysł dla ciebie?
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That quality in him made him appealing. Does that sound like an appealing idea to you? From across the room she gave me an appealing look.
wydaje się, że
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it would appear that
It would appear that, under these circumstances, consumer choice is limited.
wydawać się
Wszystko w jego oczach wydawało się takie młode i świeże. Myślałam, że wydaje się to całkiem jasne
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Everything, in his eyes, appeared so young and fresh. I thought it appears quite clear.
zachować pozory
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to keep up appearances
She just wanted to keep up appearances for the kids.
na pozór
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to all appearances
He was, to all appearances, a respectable, successful businessman, actually he was a serial killer.
udobruchać, uspokajać
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They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.
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formal - appendage
I have appended a letter which you sent to us last year. The director has the right to append comments to the final report.
zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
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Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix
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(actor etc) oklaskiwać (action, attitude) pochwalać (pochwalić perf) (decision, initiative) przyklaskiwać (przyklasnąć perf) +dat
ciasto z jabłkami
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apple turnover
na wniosek
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on application
Free information will be sent out on application to (= if you ask) the central office
zastosowanie hamulców/ sprzęgła
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to apply the brakes/clutch
If you do not apply clutch while braking, vehicle gets more braking assistance due to engine resistance
przykładać się do
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to apply oneself
I can't say he's applied himself very much to looking for a job. She really applied herself to the morning training especially stretching
Thanks to the selection procedure for the Civil Service, run by KSAP, the best participants have a chance to be appointed civil servants
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po uzgodnieniu
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by appointment
Visitors can see the art collection by appointment only.
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It’s not easy to apportion blame (=say who deserves to be blamed) when a marriage breaks up.
odpowiedzieć bez namysłu, bez przygotowania, spontanicznie
Nie mogę podać natychmiastowej odpowiedzi.
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to answer off the cuff
I cannot give an off-the-cuff answer to that right now.
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oddalając się
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toiling away
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są w sprzeczności
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are at odds

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