Angielski 3

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Target Market
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a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Your target customers are those who are most likely to buy from you.
Market segmentation
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is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based on different characteristics.
Market share
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the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.
Niche marketing
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is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused
Marketing campaign
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promote products through different types of media, such as television, radio, print, and online platforms
Marketing budget
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is an estimated amount of cost that will be required to promote products or services
Fair trade
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trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.
World Trade
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is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
Trade fair
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an exhibition at which businesses in a particular industry promote their products and services.
Trade dificit
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the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports.
Outdoor advertising
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is advertising that reaches the consumers while they are outside their homes
Advertising campaign
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an organized course of action to promote a product or service.
Advertising agency
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They creating promotion strategy for brands etc
Premium brand
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products or services which are value in the upper mid to high price range.
Leading brand
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a brand that sells the most The company claims that its product is better than the leading brand.
Brand image
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the general impression of a product held by real or potential consumers
Sales figures
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the value or amount of the total sales of an industry's or company's products for a particular period: the day's/month's/year's
Sales department
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is the direct link between a company's product or service and its customers
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a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
Get across - that succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information
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to communicate- to manage to make someone understand or believe something
To this end
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to achieve.): in order to achieve a particular aim. He wanted to discuss his position, and arranged a meeting to this end.
Balance sheet
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a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business or other organization at a particular point in time, detailing the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding period.
adapting strategy
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implies changing various aspects of products and services to a considerable extent in order to meet the needs of consumers in international markets taking into account their differences
overseas sales
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sprzedaż zagraniczna
Expanding market
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The expression “fast-expanding market” refers to any rapidly growing opportunity.
Pure/ purely
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A purely business-related letter is only business.
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a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge.
and so therefor
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i tak więcej
learn on the job
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learned, gained, or done while working at a job.
Retail chain
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is a retail outlet in which several locations share a brand, central management, and standardized business practices.
Product concept
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is the understanding of the dynamics of the product in order to showcase the best qualities and maximum features of the product.
markets manufactured
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is any business that uses components, parts or raw materials to make a finished good.
international marketers
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are solution-oriented professionals who discover the best ways to market products or services to other countries. They must become deeply familiar with in order to succeed
work- based assignments
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Learning that is acquired and implemented while working or at work is said to be Work Based Learning... This assignment is based on the implementation of Work Based Learning.
internal briefing paper
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wewnętrzny dokument informacyjny. A briefing paper is a summary of facts pertaining to an issue and often includes a suggested course of action

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