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To invest in content
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put money into a marketing technique of creating and sharing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action
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a company, undertaking, organisation, business unit, enterprise, entity, firm
development abroad
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(international expansion) is the process of expanding a business from the domestic market into overseas markets, expanding a company is an opportunity to grow, get new clients and learn how to adapt to customers expectations
efficiency gains
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refer to working with lower costs with the goal of making greater profit
if you are in a strong financial position
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your company attract investors and creditors. You have a steady flow of income, rare changes in expenses, strong return on investment and growing cash balance
if you meet genuine customer needs
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you use the customized approach to better assess to your services, trying to meet customers expectations
I’ll never do that again
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Never will I do that again.
I don’t often understand legal regulations.
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Rarely/Seldom/ Not often do I understand legal regulations.
I can’t say I fully understand what you mean
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On no condition/ Under no circumstances can I say that I fully understand what you mean
There are no situations which can make me do that.
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No situations are there which can make me do that.
I knew little about legeal tender.
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Little did I know about legal tender.
Don’t stop and continue
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carry on and take on
There isn’t much time
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we are running out of time
Turn down
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Spend a lot of money on whatever we want
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pay out/ splash out
Sudennly start becoming succesful
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take off
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get away
To catch us
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bring us down

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