Apr 15 (5) My_mistakes_Feb_16

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Frage English Antworten English
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My french is r*
to make progress
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to * progress
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not possible to dispute
to be hit to differnt degree
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to be hit * differnt degree
to some degree, to a large degree, or to a certain degree
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one who thrives
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a group of items
by filck of a switch
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almost instantly
My mind boggles at the amount of money they spend on food. It boggles the imagination, doesn't it?
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to (cause something or someone to) have difficulty imagining or understanding something:
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habitated by arabs
to deny
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to say that something is not true
He will not confirm or deny the allegations. She denied knowing the whereabouts of the hidden treasure. He denied the allegations against him in court.
to refuse
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to say that you will not do or accept something
He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused. He's in trouble but he's refused all (my offers of) help. On cold mornings the car always refuses to start. The local council refused him planning permission to build an extra bedroom.
I'm ignorant of
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I'm ignorant *
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likely to change often
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to intentionally not listen or give attention to
to get thngs done
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to *things done
the global economy the German/US economy This can be done by machines with more speed and economy. She writes with such economy - I've never known a writer say so much in so few words.
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the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used
the intentional saving of money or, less commonly, the saving of time, energy, words, etc.:
I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited. Shelley is taking economics at university. Both their children graduated with degrees in economics.
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the way in which trade, industry, or money is organized, or the study of this

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