Artur 4th Aug

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Frage Antworten
to give food to a person
Lernen beginnen
to feed
to feed - ... - ...
Lernen beginnen
to feed - FED - FED
How often does your granny ... her plants?
Lernen beginnen
How often does your granny WATER her plants?
a group of houses and other buildings that is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside
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a village
I went there ... swim in a lake.
Lernen beginnen
I went there TO swim in a lake.
GO somewhere TO do sth
I go to Vilnius TO do some shopping.
Lernen beginnen
I go to Vilnius ... do some shopping.
Let's go shopping. / Let's do some shopping.
Lernen beginnen
Let's GO shopping.
Let's DO some shopping.
twelve o'clock in the middle of the night
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We met up at midnight.
twelve o'clock in the middle of the day
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I eat lunch at noon.
pluses and minuses
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advantages and disadvantages
What ... It mean?
Lernen beginnen
What DOES it mean?
to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits you or if you like it
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to try sth on
Can I try it on, please?
said to someone in order to give them permission to start to do something
Lernen beginnen
go ahead
"Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, go ahead."
this pen, these pens, ... pen, those pens
Lernen beginnen
this pen, these pens, THAT pen, those pens

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