
 0    23 Datenblatt    katarzynadrozdowska
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form with your personal details and date of arrival
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landing card
form shwoing how much money and what goods you are carrying
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customs declaration form
paper proving you have had the necessary health injections
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vaccination certificate
rules abt who can enter a country and for how long
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entry restrictions
checks done without warning
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spot checks/random checks
specially trained dogs who can smell drugs and bombs
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sniffer dogs
take your bags through custims
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clear customs
the port or airport where you first enter a country
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port of entry
permission to stay in a nother country to avoid political persecution back home
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political asylum
people who try to enter from poorer countries just to get work
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economic imigrants
illegal actions
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fixed sum payable for a particular offence
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fixed penalty
fine payable at the time and place that you commit the offence
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on- the- spot fine
an instrument which you blow into that shows if you have consumed alcohol recently
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power to stop people and search them in the street
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say what happened and sign a copy of it
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make a statement
cameras that record everything that happens
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surveillance cameras
official permission from a judge or magir=strate to search your house
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search warrant
often a name for the army and police together enforcing the law
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security forces
police who do not wear uniform
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plain clothes/indercover police
police who are more like soldiers than civilian police officers
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paramilitary police
police specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade
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drag squad
police specially trained to discover and fight bribery/corruption
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anti-corruption squad

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