Basic Russian - introducing yourself

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Let's get acquainted!
Lernen beginnen
Давайте познакомимся!
Давай познакомимся! - informal
My name is Elena.
Lernen beginnen
Меня зовут Елена.
I am 25 years old.
Lernen beginnen
Мне 25 лет.
I am from Moscow.
Lernen beginnen
Я из Москвы.
I am an engineer.
Lernen beginnen
Я работаю инженером.
I am married.
Lernen beginnen
Я замужем.
I'm not married.
Lernen beginnen
Я не замужем.
I am married.
Lernen beginnen
Я женат.
I'm not married.
Lernen beginnen
Я не женат.
I really like to paint.
Lernen beginnen
Мне очень нравиться рисовать.
I've been learning Russian for 9 months.
Lernen beginnen
Я учу русский 9 месяцев.
I have children.
Lernen beginnen
У меня есть дети.
Nice to meet you.
Lernen beginnen
Приятно познакомиться.
Tell me about yourself.
Lernen beginnen
Расскажите о себе.
Расскажи о себе. - informal
What is your name?
Lernen beginnen
Как Вас зовут?
Как тебя зовут? - informal
How old are you?
Lernen beginnen
Сколько Вам лет?
Сколько тебе лет? - informal
Where are you from?
Lernen beginnen
Откуда Вы?
Откуда ты? - informal
What is your job?
Lernen beginnen
Кем Вы работаете?
Кем ты работаешь? - informal
Are you married?
for feminine
Lernen beginnen
Вы замужем?
Ты замужем? - informal
Are you married?
for masculine
Lernen beginnen
Вы женаты?
Ты женат? - informal
Do you have children?
Lernen beginnen
У Вас есть дети?
У тебя есть дети? - informal
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Thank you.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
I understand.
Lernen beginnen
Я понимаю.
I don't understand.
Lernen beginnen
Я не понимаю.

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VocApp is a perfect way to learn Russian! Our fun flashcards will present you a selected vocabulary of the most useful Russian words and the most common Russian phrases! With 5 minutes of effort a day, you will soon observe that you can form your own Russian sentences and that the Russian pronunciation is not difficult anymore! If you ever dreamt of learning Russian and didn't know how to start - here's everything you need!

Learn how to introduce yourself in Russian

This free Russian lesson was developed by native speakers and professional linguists to help you when introducing yourself in Russian. The flashcards will teach you some important Russian phrases that you were curious to learn. You will know how to say nice to meet you in Russian or how to ask what is your name in Russian. Moreover, you will learn how is thank you in Russian, how to say yes in Russian and how is no in Russian. These basic Russian words are so simple but so crucial when it comes to learning a language! Start the lesson and see that introducing yourself in Russian is not that difficult!

Learn Russian for free

We prepared many free lessons of Russian for beginners. You can find the exact Russian lesson you need by level or topic. They will help you achieve your goal to speak Russian and interact with the natives. If you plan to continue learning Russian, we advise you to proceed to our complex and professional Russian courses. Don't forget to download the flashcards as MP3 files and use them as Russian audio lessons to learn on the go! We are sure learning Russian will be fun and will soon open many opportunities, so let's start right now!

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