Biology in English

 0    11 Datenblatt    MartaWnuk1
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What are the features of seawater mammals, like whales, dolphins and beluga? przetlumacz
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Jakie są cechy ssaków morskich, takich jak wieloryby, delfiny oraz bieługi?
What are the features of seawater mammals, like whales, dolphins and beluga?
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All seawater mammals must come to the surface to breathe air. They are warm-blooded. They maintain a constant body temperature, even in cold ocean waters. Seawater mammals produce milk to nurse their young.
What are the consequences of global warming when you talk about squids? przetlumacz
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Jakie są konsekwencje globalnego ocieplenia w kontekście kałamarnic?
What are the consequences of global warming when you talk about squids?
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The jumbo squid, are spotted in the Pacific Ocean from South America to the coast of California. Recently, some have appeared as far as Alaska. Some researches suggest that they move further north because the northern oceans warming.
Which insects are you afraid of? Why are tarantulas scary?
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I'm afraid of cockroaches - they come everywhere and eat human food. Tarantulas are scary because they have poisonous spines. Their venom can be dangerous to humans. A tarantula is a very large spider, and also hairy, which is even more scary.
What are the differences between killer bees and honey bees?
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the main differences between killer bees and honey bees are their size and that killer bees, as their name suggests, are more aggressive. For professional beekeepers it’s difficult to work with killer bees and it’s also dangerous around ordinary people.
Describe the life circle of cicadas
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the female cicada makes a hole in a tree branch where she places the eggs. The tiny creatures fall to the ground and they feed on the underground roots of the tree, growing slowly. The cicadas climb the nearest tree. There, they beginning theiradultlives
What happened to the locust in the USA
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North America is currently the only continent without major locust swarms. And the reason for this is because we killed them all!
What happened to the locust in the USA (2)
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Farmers destroyed breeding grounds and killed adult locust, the last living specimen being seen in 1902. Fun bonus fact: there is a glacier in montana containing several million frozen Rocky Mountain locusts!
7. What is the moral of the story? Do you agree with it?
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It’s never too late to change. Be nice and generous to people. I agree with it. Everybody can change. The world would be a better place with nice and generous people.
6. What did Scrooge do on Christmas day and the day after?
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He gave money to the boy to buy an enormous turkey for the Cratchit family. He wished everybody he saw a Merry Christmas. He gave money for the poor. He visited his nephew and had the best Christmas dinner in his live. The day after Christmas he increased

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