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Frage Antworten
feel free
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nie krępuj się
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact me anytime.
in the long run
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na dłuższą metę
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I can recommend a few popular seaside destinations.
in mind
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na myśli
I don't have a specific country in mind.
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What would you suggest?
all-inclusive resorts
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ośrodki wypoczynkowe z opcją all-inclusive
They all offer warm weather, beautiful beaches, and great all-inclusive resorts.
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In that case, I would recommend Greece or Turkey. Both are budget-friendly and offer excellent all-inclusive options.
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opakowanie, pakiet
Would you like me to include flights in the package, or do you prefer to arrange your own transportation?
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odjazd, odlot
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I don't have any preferences in this case.
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I will look for family-friendly options with all-inclusive services.
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dostarczyć, zaspokoić
Based on the ages of your children, I can recommend destinations that cater to both young children and teenagers.
make sure
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upewniać się
I’ll make sure to find accommodations that offer activities for all age groups.
You are welcome!
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Lernen beginnen
Based on your preferences, I would recommend a family-friendly all-inclusive resort in Greece, as they offer great facilities for both children and adults.
are known for
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są znane z
The resorts in Crete or Rhodes are known for their excellent service and family-oriented amenities.
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The resorts in Crete or Rhodes are known for their excellent service and family-oriented amenities.
themed night
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wieczór tematyczny
Some resorts even have themed nights, kids' clubs, and family-friendly entertainment.
walking distance
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odległość spaceru
Most of the hotels I found are located very close to the beach, usually within walking distance, about 5 to 10 minutes.
optional tripI
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wycieczka opcjonalna
I would also like to buy an optional trip and see interesting places.
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Many resorts offer optional excursions to explore nearby attractions, such as historical sites, cultural tours, and nature excursions.
plenty of time
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dużo czasu
A half-day excursion sounds perfect, and you'll still have plenty of time to relax on the sun lounger in the afternoon!
sun lounger
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A half-day excursion sounds perfect, and you'll still have plenty of time to relax on the sun lounger in the afternoon!
further from
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dalej od
Renting a car is a fantastic idea—it gives you the freedom to explore places that are further from the hotel at your own pace.
off-road vehicle
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Pojazd terenowy
I’ll look for a larger car, preferably an off-road vehicle, to accommodate your family comfortably.
remote spot
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odległe miejsce
It will be perfect for exploring and reaching even the more remote spots.
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car seat
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fotelik samochodowy
Would you need a car seat for your youngest child?
theft and damage insurance
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ubezpieczenie od kradzieży i uszkodzeń
Regarding insurance, most rental companies offer several options, such as basic coverage, full protection, or additional theft and damage insurance.
full coverage
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pełne pokrycie, pełna ochrona
Would you prefer full coverage to avoid any unexpected costs?
peace of mind
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Święty spokój, spokój ducha
Full coverage will give you peace of mind during your trip.
pick up
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Would you prefer to pick up the car directly at the hotel or at another location, like the airport?
entire duration
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cały czas trwania
Would you like to book the car for the entire duration of your stay or just a few specific days?
create an impression
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robić wrażenie
Does the offer still stand?
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Czy oferta jest nadal aktualna?
change my mind
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zmieniłem zdanie

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