CAE 1026 - 1050

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La circonferenza del cerchio misura circa 31 centimetri.
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The circumference of the circle measures around 31 centimetres.
Dolly la pecora è stata clonata negli anni '90.
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to clone
Dolly the sheep was cloned in the 1990s.
tornare utile
Non buttare quello scatolone. Potrebbe tornare utile un giorno.
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to come in useful
Don't throw out that cardboard box. It could come in useful someday.
Il mio collega prenderà il mio lavoro quando me ne andò in dicembre.
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My colleague is going to take over my job when I leave in December.
Due auto si sono scontrate in autostrade.
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to collide
Two cars collided on the highway.
Questo argomento non ti riguarda, Stephen. Per favore, fatti gli affari tuoi.
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to concern
This matter doesn't concern you, Stephen. Please mind your own business.
confessare qualcosa
Devo confessare di aver rubato gli avanzi di pizza dal frigo. Mi dispiace, ero affamato!
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to confess to sth
I have to confess to stealing your leftover pizza from the fridge. I'm sorry, I was hungry!
+18 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
(Insgesamt 1.500 Datenblatt)

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