CIRCLE K revision

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state-of-the-art technology
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very modern, using the latest achievements
cut-throat competition
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destructive rivals lowering prices, offering better deals
off-the-cuff comments
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spontaneous, without prior preparation
disposable income
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money which can be spend freely
fall behind the times
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have an obsolete, outdated offer
be late to the game
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too late to catch up what has been missed
shift in preferences
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significant change in choices
a widening gap
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ever larger discrepancy
an overhaul
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thorough changes in the system
to rest on laurels
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rely on past achievements
be nimble
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resilient, flexible
steep price tag
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exorbitant amount to purchase a thing
to question something
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to raise doubts about something
tax break
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legal opportunity to lower the tax bill
a safe bet
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something you can be sure will succeed
to distort the market
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to interfere with free economy
all the rage
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be popular at a particular time
thriving business
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enterprise which is growing strongly
play havoc with
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to damage something
to weather the crisis
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to successfully emerge out of tough situation
go out of fashion,
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to be no longer attractive
be ahead of the game
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to know more about the most recent developments
to anticipate problems
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to foresee issues before they occur
get the grips with
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to deal with something with efficiency
take something for granted
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to assume that something is true, sure

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