Clauses of purpose

 0    28 Datenblatt    dagmarakorusiewicz
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Frage English Antworten English
I'll give you my phone number ____you need some information
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in case
He speaks French ____ they can understand him
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so that
John studied hard ____ he could enter the university.
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so that
Shall we book a table ____ the restaurant is busy?
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in case
I helped him ____ he could finish early.
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so that
He hurried ____ not to miss the train.
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in order
We'll take our gloves with us ____ my hands get cold.
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in case
Sue is saving money ____ go on holiday.
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I give you my email ___ you can write to me.
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so that
He went up his room ____ sleep.
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Peter quickly shut the window ____ the rain wouldn't get in.
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so that
You need a short break ____ getting to tired.
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to avoid
John just popped out _ the paper.
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to buy
This oven is used _ bread.
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for making
This bracelet is _ Sarah. It’s her birthday tomorrow.
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John whispered _ disturb the other passengers on the flight.
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so as not to
Concentrate on your exercise ____ make any mistakes.
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so as not to
You have to wake up ____ be on time.
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You have to register ____ participate in the forum.
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in order to
She left work early ___ be at home when he arrives.
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Ships carry life boats ____ the crew can escape when the ship sinks.
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so that
I will go to university ____ continue my studies.
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He exercises regularly ____ be overweight.
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in order not to
negatives form
These men risk their lives ____ we may live more safely.
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so that
I'm studying English ____ more job opportunities.
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to have
She noted it down ____ forget.
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so as not to
I didn't tell her the truth _______ hurt her feelings.
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so as not to
I went to the library _______ some books I needed.
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