Common expressions - 2025

 0    26 Datenblatt    szymonmaciaszkiewicz
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address sth
There is a need to address that issue.
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pochylić się nad czymś
save a lot of hassle
By pre-ordering online, I can save a lot of hassle on the day of the event.
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zaoszczędzić dużo zbędnej pracy
play a pivotal role
She played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement.
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odgrywają kluczową rolę
liaise with
He will need to liaise with the different departments to ensure that the project is completed on time.
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współpracować z
a ballpark figure
Can you give me a ballpark figure of how much the project will cost?
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przybliżone dane
feel the pinch
Working-class families are feeling the pinch in the wake of the recession. When my father lost his job and we had to live on my mother's earnings, we really started to feel the pinch
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odczuć coś na własnej skórze
knock-on effect
If the banks start struggling, it will have a knock-on effect for the rest of the economy.
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efekt domina
Jeśli banki zaczną mieć kłopoty, spowoduje to efekt domina dla reszty gospodarki.
to this end
We have put in place several measures to ensure the safety of our employees; to this end, all new safety protocols will be made mandatory.
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w tym celu
no end in sight
Despite our best efforts, the global pandemic continues and there is no end in sight.
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nie widać końca
drop the ball
The government has been reluctant to address the problem and it seems that they have finally dropped the ball.
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poddać się
once in a blue moon
They ate in the dining room once in a blue moon.
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raz na ruski rok
Jadali w jadalni raz na ruski rok.
a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down
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zrobić coś dla osłody czegoś nieprzyjemnego
easier said than done
Losing weight is easier said than done.
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łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić
hang in there!
I know it's been a tough year, but hang in there. Everything will be OK!
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trzymaj się!
sleep on it
I'm not sure which job offer I should accept - I think I'll sleep on it for the night before I decide.
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przespać się z tym (przemyśleć)
root for somebody
They always root for the home team.
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kibicować komuś
pull sb's leg
I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg.
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robić kogoś w balona
it's the best thing since sliced bread
I've bought a new touchscreen computer, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I can't believe I ever worked without it
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to najlepsza rzecz od niepamiętnych czasów
don't beat about the bush
Please don't beat about the bush, I need a clear answer.
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nie owijaj w bawełnę
don't lose any sleep about it
Don't lose sleep worrying about things outside your control; tomorrow is a new day. Worrying about the problem won't help, but it will make you lose sleep.
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niech to ci nie spędza snu z powiek
to bridge a gap
We need to bridge the gap in healthcare access across different regions.
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wypełnić lukę, zmniejszyć różnicę
a deal breaker
The requirement for extensive travel became a deal breaker for the job candidate. The high cost of renovation turned out to be a deal breaker for us.
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przyczyna zerwania umowy
look to do sth
I understand you're looking to do us a favor here. After lunch I'm looking to do some exercises.
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zastanawiać się nad zrobieniem czegoś
see to sth
There are so many other things I have to see to. It's important to see to your health regularly with check-ups.
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dopilnować czegoś, zajmować się czymś
do sth for a book
We've got to do this by the book. The factory's quality control team inspects every product by the book before shipment.
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zrobić coś zgodnie z zasadami
elephant in the room
The elephant in the room was finally addressed during the meeting. The couple's age difference was the elephant in the room at their wedding.
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oczywisty problem o którym się nie mówi

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