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sebastianmilosz7 sebastianmilosz7

Die Verwendung von VocApp2260Tagen. Ich bin der Autor18Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2019-01-17 15:20:49.

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Meine Vokabelkarteien

Lesson 10, subject 1, Meat
Lesson 10, subject 2, Fish
Lesson 10, subject 3, Dairy products
Lesson 10, subject 4, Carbohydrates
Lesson 10, subject 5, Sweet food
Lesson 10, subject 6, Fruit
Lesson 10, subject 7, Vegetables
Lesson 10, subject 8, Things added to food
Lesson 10, subject 9, Quantites
Lesson 10, subject 10, Food and health
Lesson 10, subject 11, Cooking
Lesson 10, subject 12, Meals
Lesson 10, subject 13, Types of restaurants
Lesson 10, subject 14, In a restaurant
Lesson 10, subject 15, In a kitchen
Lesson 11, subject 1, Kinds of houses and flats
Lesson 11, subject 2, Size and condition
Lesson 11, subject 3, Location

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