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Die Verwendung von VocApp2233Tagen. Ich bin der Autor27Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2019-02-26 11:54:23.

Meine Interessen


Meine Vokabelkarteien

语言、国家及国籍 - Languages, countries and nationalities
语言、国家及国籍 - Languages, countries and nationalities
时间,日期及频率 - Time, calendar and frequency
时间,日期及频率 - Time, calendar and frequency
工作、职业 - Jobs
工作、职业 - Jobs
介绍 - Introductions
介绍 - Introductions
在城市中 - In the city
在城市中 - In the city
问候和道别 - Greetings and farewells
问候和道别 - Greetings and farewells
食物及饮品 - Food and drink
食物及饮品 - Food and drink
时尚和服饰 - Fashion and clothes
时尚和服饰 - Fashion and clothes
家庭及亲戚关系 - Family and relations
家庭及亲戚关系 - Family and relations
颜色 - Colours
颜色 - Colours
基础动词 - Basic verbs
基础动词 - Basic verbs
特点及外貌特征 - Characteristics and appearance
特点及外貌特征 - Characteristics and appearance
基础副词,介词,连词及代词 - Basic adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and pronouns
基础副词,介词,连词及代词 - Basic adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and pronouns
疑问代词 - Interrogative pronouns
疑问代词 - Interrogative pronouns
所有格代词和形容词 - Possessive pronouns and adjectives
所有格代词和形容词 - Possessive pronouns and adjectives
礼貌用语及行为 - Polite phrases and behaviour
礼貌用语及行为 - Polite phrases and behaviour
人称代词,直接间接宾语 - Personal pronouns, direct and indirect objects
人称代词,直接间接宾语 - Personal pronouns, direct and indirect objects
身体部分 - Parts of the body
身体部分 - Parts of the body
数字 - Numbers
数字 - Numbers
方位表达 - Location expressions
方位表达 - Location expressions
天气和气候 - Weather and climate
天气和气候 - Weather and climate
交通及交通工具 - Transport, motorisation and means of transport
交通及交通工具 - Transport, motorisation and means of transport
动物世界 - The animal world
动物世界 - The animal world
购物及服务业 - Shopping and services
购物及服务业 - Shopping and services
学校及教育 - School and education
学校及教育 - School and education
文化和艺术 - Culture and art
文化和艺术 - Culture and art
水果和蔬菜 - Fruit and vegetables
水果和蔬菜 - Fruit and vegetables

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