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trenphrasebook trenphrasebook

Die Verwendung von VocApp2203Tagen. Ich bin der Autor26Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2019-02-26 11:54:13.

Meine Interessen


Meine Vokabelkarteien

Selamlaşma, vedalaşma ve nezaket ifadeleri - Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases
Selamlaşma, vedalaşma ve nezaket ifadeleri - Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases
Alışveriş - Shopping
Alışveriş - Shopping
Okulda - At school
Okulda - At school
Bankada - In a bank
Bankada - In a bank
Restoranda - In a restaurant
Restoranda - In a restaurant
İş görüşmesi - In an interview
İş görüşmesi - In an interview
İş yerinde - At work
İş yerinde - At work
Otelde - In a hotel
Otelde - In a hotel
Sokakta - In the street
Sokakta - In the street
Hastanede - At the hospital.
Hastanede - At the hospital.
Bir arkadaşla - With a friend
Bir arkadaşla - With a friend
Havaalanında - At the airport
Havaalanında - At the airport
Evde - At home
Evde - At home
Partiden sonra - After a party
Partiden sonra - After a party
Ev kiralarken - Renting an apartment
Ev kiralarken - Renting an apartment
Bir yabancıyla sohbet - Conversation with a stranger
Bir yabancıyla sohbet - Conversation with a stranger
Toplantıda - In a meeting
Toplantıda - In a meeting
Satış temsilcisi - In sales
Satış temsilcisi - In sales
Tarif sorma ve tarif etme - Asking and giving instructions
Tarif sorma ve tarif etme - Asking and giving instructions
Tavsiye almak ve vermek - Asking and giving advice
Tavsiye almak ve vermek - Asking and giving advice
Otobüste veya trende - Taking a bus or a train
Otobüste veya trende - Taking a bus or a train
İzin isteme - Asking and giving permission
İzin isteme - Asking and giving permission
Kişisel soru sorma ve cevaplama - Asking and answering personal questions
Kişisel soru sorma ve cevaplama - Asking and answering personal questions
Sinemada - At the cinema
Sinemada - At the cinema
Kuaförde - At the hairdressing salon
Kuaförde - At the hairdressing salon
Diş hekiminde - At the dentist
Diş hekiminde - At the dentist

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