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wurcelka wurcelka

Die Verwendung von VocApp4741Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp59Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor37Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2016-11-03 14:47:53.

Meine Interessen


Meine Vokabelkarteien

dream job_unit 8
dream job_unit 8
creative talents_unit7
creative talents_unit7
words with similar meaning unit 7
words with similar meaning unit 7
bbc_John Glen
bbc_John Glen
bbc_antarctic aliens
bbc_antarctic aliens
what keep us going_unit
what keep us going_unit
sales executive_unit 8
sales executive_unit 8
teenager airline boss_unit 8
teenager airline boss_unit 8
Reporting words
Reporting words
phrasal verbs_unit8
phrasal verbs_unit8
unit 8_rest
unit 8_rest
recruitment 2
recruitment 2
unit 6, language focus
unit 6, language focus
Stating your purpose
Stating your purpose
Unit 6, big lights, big city
Unit 6, big lights, big city
The bear story
The bear story
Unit 7, the living planet
Unit 7, the living planet
Discrepancies/ Numbers
Discrepancies/ Numbers
business terms
business terms
expressing personal opinion
expressing personal opinion
Unit 8 A sporting chance
Unit 8 A sporting chance
Unit 8 Take, phrasal verbs
Unit 8 Take, phrasal verbs
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Informal letter, unit 8
Informal letter, unit 8
Unit 9, The mind's eye
Unit 9, The mind's eye
The language of meetings
The language of meetings
April 16
April 16
BBC_smoking ban/skyscrapers
BBC_smoking ban/skyscrapers
english we speak
english we speak
Company policy
Company policy
Business finance
Business finance
taxation, VAT
taxation, VAT

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