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alinabereziukk alinabereziukk

Die Verwendung von VocApp1951Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp3Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor52Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2021-05-17 11:53:03.

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Meine Vokabelkarteien

2a Cars and dolls
2b That's a robot
2c The frogs!
Social Science (strona 22-23 w podręczniku)
3a She is pretty.
3b Is he your grandpa?
3c My family
4a We are cowboys
4b Are we pirates? + 4c The grey duck
5a It's his kite.
5b They are our toys
5c Our favorite toys
6a She has got a pet
6B Has it got wings?
6c Sam, the circus boy!
7A There is a town
7B Where is Chatter?
7C My town
8A She can sing
8B Can you skip?
9a - 9b Patty likes fish
8c Where is my mobile phone?
9C What is on the menu?
10A He gets up at seven o'clock.
10B Does Rob go the the zoo every day?
10C Superboy
Unit 1a - He is from Africa
1B Are you hungry?
1C My e-pals
2A I have got a camera.
2b Have you got your passports?
2C Hurry up, Harry!
3a He comes every morning.
3b Do they play basketball?
3c My holiday postcards
4A She doesn't like meat.
4b They always wake up early.
4c The seasons
5a I am cooking.
5b You aren't helping.
5c and 6a Are you going to town?
6b Wait here. Don't move.
6c The bear fight
7a These are crabs.
7b It's got big teeth.
7c The aquarium
There are some apples
8b Is there any pizza?
8c Harry and Greta
9A and 9b
We climbed a mountain.
10B Did he sail on a boat?

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