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wdebski wdebski

Die Verwendung von VocApp5003Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp460Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor73Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2023-07-19 19:35:14.

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cechy ludzi
zakupy odzież, obuwie
zimowe ubrania
Podróże 1
Podróże 2
Podróże 3
Podróże lotnisko
jedzenie / potrawy
podróże 4
wyposażenie mieszkania/domu
Shopping for a party
Shopping for a wedding 3/4
gramatyka - słownictwo
A new job in London
A friendly taxi driver 4/2
czasowniki frazowe
The lost tourist 4/3
A holiday ... 4/4
Meeting in a bar 5/1
What if... 5/2
Meeting a friend 5/3
The charity event 5/4
What's your identity PI1 1/1
How did it make you feel? PI1 1/2
Moja lekcja
But I still love you PI1 1/3
An online profile PI 1 1/4
Childhood memories PI1 2/1
The Giant Monkey PI 1 2/2
The giant monkey PI1 2/2
The lost dog PI1 2/3
How I met your father PI1 2/4
Now that's a great book PI1 3/1
Let's go to the teathre! PI1 3/2
She wasn't there. PI1 3/3
I read the most amazing book! PI1 3/4
The job opportunity PI1 4/1
A snowstorm PI1 4/2
The breakdown PI1 4/3
Right on time PI1 4/4
Keeping in touch PI1 5/1
Shopping for a mobile phone PI1 5/2
Videochat PI1 5/3
Auntie's new app PI1 5/4
Mass media PI2 1/1
W new class PI2 2/4
The assigment PI2 3/1
Moja lekcja
Graduation PI 3/2
The Olympians PI2 3/3
Fun with forensics PI2 3/4
Recycling PI2 4/1
Scholl dinners PI2 4/2
A date with Austria PI2 4/3
Great news for Britain PI2 4/4
Anna's new job PI 5/1
Real life situations
Lend a helping hand PI2 5/2
Networking at a party PI2 5/3
The big win PI2 5/4
Sick IN1 1/1
Getting fit IN1 1/2
The burglary IN1 1/3
University I1 4/1

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