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monking monking

Die Verwendung von VocApp653Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp13Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor24Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2024-01-08 07:08:47.

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Meine Vokabelkarteien

Stages of Life
Appearance | Body Build/Hair
Appearance | Face
Personal Possessions | Clothes/Footwear and Accessories
Personal Possessions | Verbs and phrases/Adjectives
Personality traits
Feelings and Emotions | Feelings and Emotions/Nouns
Feelings and Emotions | Body Language/Idioms
Abilities and Interests / Social and Personal Values
Role Models / Identity
The House and the Neighbourhood | Types of Houses and Flats
Neighbourhood | Adjectives to Describe the House and Garden
Idioms | Rooms and Home Furnishings
Accomodation for Rent and Sale
Moving to a new House / Architecture
In the School Building / School Subjects
Lifelong Learning / Idioms
School Supplies
School Life
School Problems
Extracurricular Activities

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