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alicjachojnacka39 alicjachojnacka39

Die Verwendung von VocApp175Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp57Tage, einschließlich stetig seit5Tagen. Ich bin der Autor103Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2025-03-04 13:24:33.

Meine Interessen

Englisch, Deutsch, Japanisch

Meine Vokabelkarteien

Human u1
Characters u1
Activities u1
Living space u2
Furniture u2
subjects u2
renting u2
Architecture u2
architecture 2 u2
Nach dem Abi
School u3
learning u3
school objects u3
Grades and requirements u3
School life u3
people unit 3
exstracurricular activities u3
education system u3
słuchanie u3
czytanie u3
Jobs u4
Workplace u4
Job adjectives u4
temporary work u4
choosing a job u4
Employment and work u4
job mobility u4
work and job colocations unit 4
phrasal verbs u4
idioms unit 4
Nachbarn 2
Die umwelt
family u5
everyday activities u5
free time activities u5
Holidays and celebrations u5
lifestyle u5
listening u5
reading u5
food products u6
vegetables u6
meat u6
dairy products u6
cereal products u6
sweets u6
drinks u6
extras u6
describing food and drinks u6
quantities of food u6
meals and cooking u6
Utensils u6
Describing flavours u6
Eating habits and dieting u6
Eating places u6
Eating disorders u6
Types of shops u7
Products, Describing Products u7
Buying and selling u7
Means of payment u7
Advertising u7
Services u7
Complaining u7
Finance and banking u7
Insurance u7
Consummer right u7
słuchanie u7
czytanie u7
japoński ja, ty
japoński liczby
Means of Transport u8
Places u8
Using means of transport u8
Accommodation u8
Trips and sights u8
Breakdowns and accidents traveling u8
Road traffic u8
Travel safety u8
Słuchanie u8
Czytanie u8
Forms of culture u9
Forms of culute2 u9
artist and their work u9
Patricipating in cultural events u9
Traditions and customs u9
Mass media u9
Copryight protection słuchanie czytanie u9
Wort fur wort effektiv
Trzy tajemne słowa
Types of sport U10
clothes and equipment u10
Sports facilites u10
Sporting Events u10
Sportsmen and sprotswomen u10
Activites u10
Postive and negative effects of doing spotrs u10
Problems of modern sports u10
Słuchanie u10
Czytanie u10

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