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Meine Interessen

angielski, Englisch

Meine Vokabelkarteien

Moja lekcja
Unit 1
Module 4 - Media
Unit 2 Lesson 2 -The story
Unit 2 Lesson 3 Speaking
Module 3
Grammar patterns - infinitive/-ing
Giving/Asking for directions - Wskazywanie drogi
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Lesson 1B - Charlotte's choice
Lesson 1C - Clothes
Lesson 1C - Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy
Giving/Asking for directions - Wskazywanie drogi
idioms part 2
Lesson 2A - Right place, wrong person
Lesson 2B - The story behind the photo
Lesson 2C - One dark October evening
Lesson 3A - Plans and dreams
Lesson 3A - Plans and dreams
Lesson 3B - Let's meet again
Lesson 3B - Let's meet again
Lesson 3C - What's the word?
Lesson 3C - What's the word?
Lesson 4A - Parents and teenagers
Lesson 4A - Present Perfect
Restaurant problems
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Listening and speaking
Unit 2 Lesson 5 Amazing animals
Unit 2 Lesson 6 CLIL
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Sports Star
Unit 3 Lesson 2 A sports story
Phrasal verbs
Lesson 4B
Lesson 5A
Lesson 5B - European cities
Lesson 5C How much is too much?
Lesson 6A Are you a pessimist?
Lesson 6B I'll never forget you.
Lesson 6C The meaning of dreaming
5&6 Revise and Check
Lesson 7A How to...
Lesson 7B Being happy
Lesson 7C Learn a language in a month.
At the pharmacy
Lesson 8A I don't know what to do.
Lesson 8B If something can go wrong...
4e - Imagine that!

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