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Agnieszka Krutysz Agnieszka Krutysz

Die Verwendung von VocApp3077Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp8Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor274Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2021-04-23 09:14:08.

Meine Interessen

angielski, polski, Englisch, Spanisch

Meine Vokabelkarteien

24 XI: 3E: Exquisite English Expansion!
3 I, 3E: Extraordinary English Exellence!
3 I, 3E: Extraordinary English Exellence!
19 V - 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
24 XI: Outstanding ty English Corner!
25 XI: Outstanding English Corner!
26 XI: Happy English Words!
Daily actions - codzienne czynności
26 XI: Outstanding English Corner!
30 XI: Outstanding English Corner!
3 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
4 XII: Amazing English Corner!
Additional crazy words for Kinga / Dodatkowe szalone słowa dla Kingi;)
4 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
Christmas Time!
8 XII: Outstanding ty English Corner!
10 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
10 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
10 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
11 XII: Amazing English Corner!
11 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
10 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
19 XII: Amazing English Corner!
19 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
22 XII: Outstanding English Corner!
8 I: Amazing English Corner!
12 I: Outstanding English Corner!
14 I: Outstanding English Corner!
8 I: Amazing English Corner!
16 I: Marvelous English Buildup!
22 I: Amazing English Corner!
24 I: Outstanding English Corner!
31 I: Outstanding English Corner!
29 I: Outstanding English Corner!
01 II: Marvelous English Buildup!
4 II: Amazing English Corner!
4 II: Outstanding English Corner!
5 II: Outstanding English Corner!
8 II: Marvelous English Buildup!
12 II: Outstanding English Corner!
25 II: Amazing English Corner!
21 II: Happy English Words!
21 II: Happy English Words!
4 III: Amazing English Corner!
4 III: Outstanding English Corner!
5 III: Amazing English Corner!
5 III: Outstanding English Corner!
18 III: Happy English Words
18 III: Happy English Words!
18 III: Amazing English Corner!
19 III: Amazing English Corner!
9 IV: Amazing English Corner!
23 IV: Amazing English Corner!
9 V: Happy English Words!
29 V: Amazing English Corner!
11 V, SEE: Swell English Extent!
27 IV, SEE: Swell English Extent!
18 VI: Amazing English Corner!
2 VII: Amazing English Corner!
6 VII: Happy English Words!
9 VII: Happy English Words!
20 VII: Happy English Words!
6 VIII: 3xE: Excellent English Extent!
15 VIII: Happy English Words!
6 VIII: Happy English Words!
20 VIII: 6 VIII: Happy English Words!
20 VIII: 3xE: Excellent English Extent!
25 VIII: 3xE: Excellent English Extent!
29 VIII: Happy English Words!
11 IX: Happy English Words!
12 IX: Happy English Words!
13 and 20 IX: 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
10 IX: 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
10 IX: Chcę szpilki!
10 IX: 3XE: Exquisite English Expansion!
11 IX - 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
11 IX: I find my English amusing!
Kolory / Colores
Części ciała
Dni tygonia
In kitchen
In bathroom
At school
20 IX: 3XE: Exquisite English Expansion!
18 IX: Think outside the box!
25 IX - 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
2 IX - 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
1 X: 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
24 IX: 3E - Exquisite English Expansion!
9 X: I don't feel like dancing!
2 X: Home skin care
8 X: Let's talk about steaks before sleep!:)
24 IX: You should eat dry fruit!
14 X: I hug my dog.;)
21 X: If I were a richman!
23 X: I need medical attention
23 X: I teach systematicity!
24 X: I need two tickets to Australia, please!
24 X: Turn left and cross the street.
21 X: Trick or treat!
2 X: Are you happy, lobster?
2 X: What do you do for a living?
30 X: I feel safe in the hotel!
31 X: My flight is delayed!
6 XI: Don't waste money!
7 XI: Honey, I am home!
5 XI: Lubię życie!
5 XI: Jak Twój dzień? / How is your day?
23 X: It is a revelation!
16 X: You made a great impression!
16 X: Re, re, re!
13 XI: Could I have your name, please?
13 XI: At the airport:)
13 XI: I work under pressure and I am a fast learner!
11 XI: I am a detail oriented people person!
11 XI: Miło mi tu być!
18 XI: I am stressed by low prize
18 XI: Lubię pomidory:)
20 XI: Amber is the symbol of Gdańsk
20 XI: To save money I don't have money in my wallet.
21 XI: I spend much money!
23 XI: I would keep the dog!
25 XI: Jak się nazywasz?
25 XI: Who let the dogs out?
25 XI: Money cannot buy happiness
26 XI: As the time flows
27 XI: I serve customers
2 XII: Black Monday
4 XII: It helps us with skin issues
9 XII: Który dzisiaj?
9 XII: Agroline boost!
11 XII: Amber is good for many things!
16 XII: The customer comes first
16 XII: English boost!
18 XII: Christmas time!
12 XII: Health issues!
8 I: I segregate the garbage!
8 I: I segregate garbage!
9 I: I made my mother!:)
9 I: Let's go out!
9 I: What are the steps to achieve the goal?
13 I: How to get to...
15 I: In the bushes
16 I: I need to limit my job
20 I: The worst day of my life
24 I: If I was in desert island, I would find animals to be my friends.
25 I: If I had one million $, I would...
27 I: Victor is unemployed
27: Mam zieloną sukienkę
30 I: All about men!
29 I: Run errands!
1 I: Lady in red.
1 II: I am not blue today!
3 II: All about traits
6 II: We speak at last!
10 II: Take it under consideration
11 II: My brain fog lasts forever!:)
12 II: I adore your dress
6 II: All about hedgehogs
19 II: There aren't ugly people
19 II: Raining dogs and cats
19 II: Big boss on big armchair
19 II: Horseriding in the morning
20 II: Fat Thursday
24 II: Potrzebuję pieniędzy
24 II: Doughnut with a lawyer
26 II: Heroine and a dove
26 II: I can't wait to ride a horse!
26 II: I expect pleasant atmosphere
27 II: He-dog, czyli kocham mojego piesioła:)
2 III: Zwierzęta i drób
2 III: I will have ogórkowa, please
17 II: Agroline boost
11 III: What is good for resistance?
14 III: Good for resistance!
12 III: I am on my last legs!
14 III: The weather is changeable!
19 III: The kettle broke!
19 III: I am in my study, I feel like dancing.
22 III: Are you addicted to money?
25 III: Money, money, money $
26 III: How long do I need to wash?
29 III: I expect a pay rise
31 III: Praca nie jest ciężka!
1 IV: Prima aprilis!
5 IV: What do you do to get a loan?
2 IV: I keep my fingers crossed!
9 IV: Are you a good cook?
10 IV: What have you done today?
16 IV: Reasons to smile!
16 IV: Cooking time!
17 IV: Jak Twój dzień?
18 IV: What will the future bring?
23 IV: Memories
23 IV: Cooking time!
29 IV: Re, re, re!
7 V: Re, re, re!
14 V: Hit the road, Jack!
15 V: Hit the road, Jack!
15 V: Lubie lato!
18 V: Hit the road, Jack!
21 V: Rome time!
27 V: Time machine
28: Time machine
5 VI: Beauty is only skin deep
13 VI: Appearance
16 VI: Jak dzień?
18 VI: Spanish time!
19 VI: I am back on my feet!
20 VI: A bunch of new words!
22 VI: Let me in!
23 VI: Dreams came true
2 VII: Cleaning time!
9 VII: In the garden
17 VII: Jewish
30 VII: She removed the cancer
31 VII: Hide a hog!
28 VIII: Baby teeth
31 VII: My dish is too salty!
2 IX: She made up her mind
4 IX:
21 IX: Current events!
24 IX: Rock Restaurant
28 IX: Rock restaurant
29 IX: When I fall in love
1 X: They don't exist anymore!
8 X: I can't help it!
15 X: It is a shame!
20 X: Love doesn't spoil people
27 X: Money cannot buy happiness
22 X: I have a hoarse throat
29 X: I have nothing - Whitney Houston
5 XI: I am worried about my family!
12 XI: Fit as a fiddle!
12 XI: I have a right to be different
14 XI:
19 XI: Egypt
19 XI: He is a prince charming!
26 XI: Why do people complain?
3 XII: Novelties
8 XII: Nowelty
17 XII: Stunning beach!
Boxing day!
Childhood Flavour
31 XII: Happy New Year!
A gift for new year!
6 I: Encourage people to get vaccination!
14 I: It is nothing!
23 I: 127 hours in the cave
07 II: It is over now.
28 I: You mustn't eat!
11 II: For a rainy day
19 II: I am dissatisfied with my job!
27 II: What can you find in chemists?
4 IX: People don't rush
18 III: Love lost and found
1 IV: Just beat it!
25 III: I am ingenious!
14 IV: Fireplace and blinds:)
15 IV: Do you have brittle bones?

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