Comparatives & Superlatives

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big, bigger, the biggest
A dog is bigger than a cat. Elephants are the biggest animal in the zoo.
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duży, większy, największy
high, higher, the highest
Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
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wysoki, wyższy, najwyższy
expensive, more expensive, the most expensive
My phone is more expensive than my pen.
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drogie, droższe, najdroższe
cheap, cheaper, the cheapest
My pen is cheaper than my phone.
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tanie, tańsze, najtańsze
young, younger, the youngest
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młody, młodszy, najmłodszy
Pizza is more delicious than spinach. Strawberry is the most delicious flavour of ice cream.
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good, better, the best
Blue is better than green. Pink in the best color.
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dobry lepszy Najlepszy
bad, worse, the worst
Monday is worse than Saturday. Wednesday is the worst day of the week.
Lernen beginnen
zły gorszy najgorszy
Lernen beginnen

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