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Ona spoczywa obok męża na miejscowym cmentarzu.
Present Simple. Words not to be used: next, graveyard
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She rests beside her husband in the local cemetery.
Ich rowery opierały się o ścianę
To support something by putting it on or against something; to be supported in this way.
Past Cont. Words not to be used: put
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Their bikes were resting against the wall.
Powodzenie rozmów wzmocni jego reputację międzynarodowego męża stanu.
To make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger, wspierać
Future Simple. Words not to be used: make something stronger,
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Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.
Kupujący powinien zawsze starać się negocjować warunki.
To try very hard to do something.
Should + Words not to be used: try, attempt, conditions
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The buyer should always endeavour to negotiate terms.
Wielokrotnie wzywano do przywrócenia kary śmierci.
to cause that something returns to its previous state, position, status. PRZYWRACAĆ
Passive Voice, Present Perfect Podpowiedź: repeated calls
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There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death penalty.
Komisja zbierze się w najbliższy czwartek o godzinie 11.30.
To come together for a formal meeting.
Future Simple, Words not to be used: assemble, gather
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The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.
Niektóre młode matki czują się uwięzione we własnych domach.
uwięzić, wsadzać do więzienia
Present Simple
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Some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes.
Prezydent został obalony, odsunięty od władzy w wojskowym zamachu stanu
to remove a ruler or leader from their position of power
Past Simple. Clue: de...
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The president was deposed in a military coup
Partie opozycyjne zawsze będą wykorzystywać problemy rządu na swoją korzyść.
To treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself.
Future Simple. Hint: government problems
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The opposition parties will always exploit government problems to their own advantage.
Droga została poszerzona o dwa pasy
to become wider or make something wider
Past Simple Passive
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The road was widened by two lanes
to widen
Zarobiłem kupę forsy sprzedając tą działkę
Use idiomatic expression
Past Simple
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I made a killing by selling this lot
Fizycznie jestem zdrowy jak ryba
Use idiomatic expression
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Physically I am as fit as a fiddle
to be healthy
Czy mógłbyś dać na wstrzymanie, wyluzować
Idiomatic expression with horses
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Could you please hold your horses?
used to tell someone to stop
Na co on zmarł
Past Simple
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What did he die of?
On urodził się w bogatej rodzinie
Use idiomatic expression Hint: spoon
Past Simple
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He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
He comes from a wealthy and successful family
Byłem przygnębiony tym, jak sprawy się tutaj toczyły
don't use depressed
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I was despondent over the way things were going here
very depressed, przybity, zniechęcony

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