Def. angielskie

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the process of obtaining supplies of something, especially for a government or an organization; the process of getting supplies
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She has responsibility for the procurement of equipment in the company.
to takie sb/sth off or away
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This washing-powder will remove most stains
(adv) many times, often
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(n) a desire to mnie or learn
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I was full of curiosity about their plans. Out of curiosity, he opened her letter.
to appear or come from somewhere (unexpectedly)
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A man emerged from the shadows.
(v) to make sb feel ashamed it uncomfortable
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She was very embarrassed when her child behaved badly in public.
(v) to make sb/sth able to do sth (by giving her/him/it power, authority, etc.)
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The new law Has enabled more woman to return to work.
to find yourself in a place/situation that you did not intend od expect
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end up (as sth), end up (doing sth)
She had always wanted to be a writer but ended up as a teacher.
(v) to make sure that laws, etc. are obeyed
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How will they enforce the new law?
to be happy, to have a good time
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enjoy yourself
I enjoyed myself at Sue's party last night - did you?
(adj) very large or very great
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There is an enormous amount of work involved in this.
to try to find (sb/sth)
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look for (sb/sth)
We've been looking for you everywhere.

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