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marketing mix
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the combination of actions a company uses when selling a product or service
marketing strategy
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a detailed plan created by companies to encourage customer to buy their products
market penetration
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a process in which a product or brand becomes bought, used, or known by more and more people
market segmentation
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the dividing of all possible customers into groups based on their needs, age, education, income, etc.:
product placement
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a way of advertising a product by supplying it for use in films or televisionprogrammes
product portfolio
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assortment of something that is made to be sold
product feature
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selling point
customer profile
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a description of a business's typical customers/ detailed information about a particular customer
customer retention
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the fact of keeping a customer for a period of time
customer base
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the people who buy or use a particular product or service
brand positioning
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a company's decision about how a product is marketedin relation to its other products, and to competitors' products
brand identity
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a set of ideas and features that a company wants people to connect in their minds with its products or brand
brand extension
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the process of using an existing brand name to introduce new products or services
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Upmarket goods and products are of very high quality and intended to be boughtby people who are quite rich
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a list of questions that several people are asked so that information can becollected about something
focus group
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a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subjectin order to solve a problem or suggest ideas
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activities to advertise something
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to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour:
market sector
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a part of an industry, or a group of customers, products, etc. that are similar in some way
market research
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the collection and examination of information about things that people buy or might buy and their feelings about things that they have bought
market segment
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a group of possible customers who are similar in their needs, age, education, etc.
market niche
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an opportunity to provide a product or service that no other company provides
domestic market
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number of customers who buy or may buy products and services offered bycompanies within their own country
launch a product
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begin selling some product
introduce a product
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to put something into use, operation, or a place for the first time
bring out a product
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begin selling some product
withdraw a product
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stop selling some product
free sample
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a small amount of product to be given out to people to encourage them to buy a product
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to reduce the price of something
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a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product
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a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public
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a person, country, or business that sells goods to another country

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