doente e doenças

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get sick
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ficar doente
sprained foot
skręcona stopa
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pé torcido
my legs hurt
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minhas pernas doem
blood pressure
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a tensão arterial
I have earaches
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tenho dores de ouvidos
my head hurts
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a minha cabeça me dói
my back hurts
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as minhas costas doem
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Rest, I don't want you look puffy.
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Descansa, não quero te ver inchado.
the plaster
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o gesso
the back pain
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a dor nas costas
the cough
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a tosse
the pills
you should take the pills outside of meals
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os comprimidos
deve tomar os comprimidos fora das refeições
the drops
should put the drops in the nose
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as gotas
deve pôr as gotas no nariz
I feel powerless
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sinto-me sem forças
the thermometer
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o termômetro
cold shivers
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arrepios de frio
is bleeding
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está deitar sangue
put the band-aid
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pôr o band-aid
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I have a cold
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estou resfriado
measure the temperature
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medir a temperatura
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but tell her I wish she gets better
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mas diga a ela que desejo melhoras
she looked very well-disposed
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ela parecia muito bem-disposta
must guarantee the right to health care for all Portuguese people
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deve garantir o direito aos cuidados de saúde a todos os portugueses
measure blood pressure
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medir a tensão arterial
take a fever pill
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tomar um comprimido para a febre
suck on cough pastil
ssać pastylki na kaszel
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chupar umas pastilhas para a tosse
pass a prescription
wypisać receptę
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passar uma receita
pull a tooth
wyrwać ząb
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arrancar um dente
have a fever
since yesterday i have a fever
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ter febre
desde ontem que tenho febre
motion sickness
car sickness
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I already felt healthy
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já me sentia saudável
give injection in
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dar injeção em
cause pain in
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causar dor em
the mole
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a pinta
the cancer
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o câncer
the anxiety
large and important studies have concluded that human-animal interaction can reduce anxiety
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a ansiedade
grandes e importantes estudos concluíram que as interações humano - animal podem reduzir a ansiedade
the mental disorder
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o transtorno mental
depression can lead to suicide
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a depressão pode levar ao suicídio
The surgery is tomorrow.
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a cirurgia
A cirurgia é amanhã.
heart attack
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ataque cardíaca
One day we will all be dead, why worry about that?
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Todos estaremos mortos algum dia, para quê se preocupar?
the recipe
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a receita
clandestine clinic
not registered, illegal
having an illegal abortion in clandestine clinics can cause health problems
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clínica clandestina
fazer aborto ilegal em clínicas clandestinas pode causar problemas de saúde
marijuana is not addictive
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maconha não causa vício
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cadeira de rodas
you create resistance to allergies
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você cria resistência a alergias
it is very bad for health
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faz muito mal a saúde
she suffers from lack of short-term memory and because of this she quickly forgets events that have just happened
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ela sofre de falta de memória de curto prazo e, por isso, ela rapidamente se esquece de fatos que acabaram de acontecer
I'm deaf from one ear.
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Estou surdo de um ouvido.
Blind people rely on other senses.
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As pessoas cegas dependem de outros sentidos.
nieżyt żołądka (zapalenie)
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zapalenie przełyku
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irritable bowel syndrome
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síndrome do intestino irritável
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lido Áidis
he has a runny nose
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ele está com coriza
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I have a stuffy nose
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estou com o nariz entupido
wish you get better!
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desejo que você melhores!
get better!
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it's bad to know you're sick
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é ruim saber que você está doente
feeling sick
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passar mal
her condition worsened
clinical condition
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o quadro dela agravou
o quadro clínico
our health
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nossa saúde
do inhalation
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fazer inalação
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Why did she feel sick?
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por que ela passou mal?
heartburn, reflux
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azia, refluxo
to vomit / throw up
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I felt dizzy/ I felt dizzy/ I felt vertigo
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senti tontura/ me senti tonta/ senti vertigem
pelvic adhesions
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aderências pélvicas

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