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I'm writing to you because I was shopping yesterday
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piszę do ciebie ponieważ bylam wczoraj na zakupach
I went to the shopping center with my mother
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Poszedłam z mamą do centrum handlowego
we went to sinsay and to zara
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pojechaliśmy do Sinsay i Zary
I bought pants 50% off
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kupilam spodnie za pole ceny
We bought sweatshirts and shoes at a big discount
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kupiłyśmy bluzy oraz buty z duza znizka
I bought fashionable trousers
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Kupilam sobie modne spodnie
I am very happy because I saved a lot of money
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jetsem bardzo szczesliwa poniewaz oszczedzilam duzo pieniedzy
next time I will go there with you and we will buy something together.
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nastepnym razem pojade z toba tam i kupimy cos razwm
see you soon! Rozalia
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do zobaczenia wkrótce! Rozalia

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