ECIH - Standards

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ISO/IEC 27000 (27000:2018)
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:2013 Annex A. 16 Information security. 27002 - information security standards. 27035 - basic concepts and phrases of information security
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
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MINIMUM SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. build and maintain seucre network, protect cardhodler data, regulary monitor and test, maintain information seurity policy. Access control, awarness training, planning, incident response
NIST Special Publication 800-series (SP 800)
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based of FISMA, regarding ocmputer security, BEST PRACTICES, GUIDELINES. For US FEDERAL
Information Security Framework (ISF)
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buisiness-oriented informations of security topics. Agile, respond quickly
NERC 1300 Cyber security
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for reducing risk
RFC 2196
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guidelines to setting computer security policies, recommendations. online community
FRAMEWORK CIS critical security controls
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defense in depth. set of best practices
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IT governance and suppoorting. allows managers to BRIDGE THA GAP. make evertying ok and simple
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step-by-step instructions for IR teams to create proper polcy and plan. Defines integrating forensics techniques
Sarbnes-Oxley Act (SOX)
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protect investors and public
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
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to ensure CIA to healt information
Federal information Security Managemnt Act (FISMA)
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federal operations and assets. minimum SEC REQUIREMENTS, guidelines
Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA)
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keep data safely in financial institutions. information sharing practices with bank-bank and bank-client
General Data Protection Regulation (gdpr)
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Digital Millenium copyraight act (DMCA)
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implement 2 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization
Data Protection Act 2018
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processing individual information.

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