English collocations_Family (Hungarian)

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közvetlen család
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immediate family
kiterjesztett család
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extended family
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family tree
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family members
távoli rokon
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distant relative
Szerető, összetartó család
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Loving family or a close-knit family
gondtalan gyermekkor
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carefree childhood
diszfunkcionális család
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dysfunctional family
a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy can be called a dysfunctional family.
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zaklatott gyermekkor
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troubled childhood
keserves válás
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bitter divorce
Perhaps the parents went through a bitter divorce – that means a separation in which there were bad/angry feelings between the husband and wife.
zűrös válás
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messy divorce
It’s also possible to have a messy divorce with a prolonged legal battle involving lots of conflicts about the separation of the former couple’s assets (money and possessions).
elnyújtott (időben)
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válási egyezség
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divorce settlement
The decisions about the separation of assets are made in the divorce settlement.
hátrányos helyzetű család
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broken family
a gyerekek felügyeleti joga
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custody of the children
that refers to who has the primary responsibility of caring for the kids.
közös felügyelet
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joint custody
A judge can grant joint custody – that means the ex-husband and ex-wife share the responsibility – or sole custody to only one parent.
egyedüli felügyeleti jog
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sole custody
A judge can grant joint custody – that means the ex-husband and ex-wife share the responsibility – or sole custody to only one parent.
kizárólagos felügyeleti jogot ad
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award sole custody
For example, a judge might award sole custody to the mother, and the father has to pay child support.
gyerektartást fizetni
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pay child support
kölcsönös válás/különválás
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mutual divorce/separation
jó viszonyban lenni/maradni egymással
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be/stay on good terms with each other
egyedülálló anya
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single mother
örökbe ad
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give the baby up for adoption
várni (kisbabát)
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due date
születés ekkorra várható
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the baby is due in
örökbe fogadó szülők
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adoptive parents
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raise the child or bring up the child
örökbefogadott gyermek
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adopted child
vérszerinti anya
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birth mother

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