English Gaming Terms defined

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Gaming terms
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A group of terms related to the gaming experience and created and used by the gamers themselves
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Shortenage for "intentional feeding". Getting killed on purpose by the enemy so to annoy the other members of the team.
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Shortenage for "fragmentation grenade". Killing an enemy usually by disintegrating him through the use of a fragmentation grenade
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Shortenage for "aggression". Attracting an enemy, which will focus on the player from that moment on.
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Usually related to the game "Minecraft". Creating items by combining others.
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Shortenage for "gang kill". When a group of players gathers to kill one single enemy.
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Usually related to the game "Minecraft". A player who intentionally tries to degrade other gamers experience.
Rage quit
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Shutting down the game in a fit of rage.
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Someone or something way stronger then other people or other items in relation to the place where the gamer is.
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Acronym of "Away From Keyboard". Initials used to indicate the absence of the gamer from the match in progress.
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Extra life.
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Exclusion from the game server for particular actions.
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Acronym for "Call of Duty".
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Cinematic event which takes place during the game.
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Amelioration of statuses, such as strength, dexterity and so on.
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Aggravation of statuses, such as strength, dexterity and so on.
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Acronym for "DownLoadable Content". An addition to a basic game usually available at a cost.
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Acronym for "Damage Per Second". The quantity of damage done by a weapon or a character every second.
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The reiteration of a certain section of the game in order to get experience points through the act of killing enemies.
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The reiteration of a certain section of the game in order to get experience points, items and money through the act of killing enemies.
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When a player is "fed" with money and experience points through the act of killing opposing players.
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Acronym for "First Person Shooter". A type of shooting game where the player acts in first person.
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Acronym for "Third Person Shooter". A type of shooting game where the player acts in third person.
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Acronym for "Free-to-Play". It identifies games that are at free access.
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An illicit act in which two friends join opposing teams and share information about them through external communication softwares.
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Acronym for "Good Game". Sportsmanship term used to praise the actions of the opposite player during a match.
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In-game error, usually related to graphics.
Kill stealer
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Expression which defines a player who kills an enemy already weakened by another player.
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Acronym for "League of Legends".
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Acronym for "Massively Multiplayer Online". It identifies a kind of game entirely played online in which gamers can interact through their avatars in an extensive map.
This lesson is about the gaming terms. Here you can find the definition of words like aggro, inting, fragging and other amazing terms created and used specifically for this field.

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