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Odpowiedź zdradzę w dalszej części programu Lernen beginnen
I reveall the answer later in the programme
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Dziko złowiony łosoś alaskański Lernen beginnen
Wild caught Alaskan salmon
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in a way that is minimal or small in amount
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rare or special foods that are pleasing to eat Cow tongue and fermented soybeans are some delicacies in Crestmile City.
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has someone or something as the main interest
rosną pod ziemią, zagnieżdżone w swoich korzeniach Lernen beginnen
grow underground, nestled in their roots
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populacja stale rośnie, a wiejska szkoła odnotowuje gwałtowny wzrost liczby uczniów Lernen beginnen
the population is inching up, with the village school experiencing a jump in enrolment
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Sukces sektora trufli pozostaje kruchy Lernen beginnen
The success of the truffle sector remains fragile
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Idę strzelić! I am going to leave Lernen beginnen
umysł / dislike: be annoyed by/ object to Lernen beginnen
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Do you mind opening the window?
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I am happy for this to happen
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nie mogę się z tym zmierzyć Lernen beginnen
don’t want to do something
Nie mogę dzisiaj stawić czoła szkole Lernen beginnen
I can’t face school today
stawić czoła czemuś; zaakceptować trudną, ale prawdziwą sytuację lub fakt Lernen beginnen
face up to something; to accept difficult but true situation or fact confront something we don’t want to confront
Musisz stawić czoła strachowi przed egzaminami! Lernen beginnen
You need to face up to your fear of exams!
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accept negative results of last actions
Powiedz nauczycielowi i zmierz się z muzyką Lernen beginnen
Tell the teacher and face the music
Dzisiaj pada deszcz, więc spodziewam się, że ruch będzie naprawdę duży Lernen beginnen
It’ s raining today so i expect the traffic will be really bad
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repeated actions (habits) in the past
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Phil told me that he love english grammar who is spoken to / direct personal object
pamiętaj, aby powiedzieć, kto później powiedział Lernen beginnen
remember to say who after told
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to talk about the past I had my clothes cleaned yesterday pay for service/ I have my hair cut at the hairdresser’s
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people or things that compete for the same goals or award
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got the attention of someone or something
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Alex is a history buff who spend his weekends visiting museums and monuments a person who is very interested and knowledgeable about something
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During the benefit concert, each performer pledges to sign five songs to raise money for community food banks to formally promise to do something
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Jane’s one off exhibition of her paintings was scheduled only for tomorrow referring to something that happens once and will not be repeated
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The team will kick off the new project with a meeting before holding the discussion seassion
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In a bid to reduce waste, GreenTech adooted a new recycling policy. in an attempt to achieve something
zaawansowany technologicznie Lernen beginnen
DeRolo Inc. is looking for tech savvy employees who are experts in computer programming referring to someone knowledgeable or skillful in using technology
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The team reviewed the implications of adopting AI in operations, expecting a shorter worklfow possible effects or an action or decision
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Cariza Town had an influx of tourists in the summer and its shops saw a massive increase in sales the arrival of many people or things
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We find three major trends that are reshaping consumer behaviour
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His speech is the most meaningful we have ever heard to date
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For the record, Bob submitted the report but it was incomplete
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The family settled in Seoul for good
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Veda city has an annual fair where bakers display their cake designs a large event where companies from a specific industry advertise their products
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X building was built in accordance with the city’s safety standards in agreement with a rule, guideline or instruction
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manage something difficult or challenging
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to repeat a process in order to improve a product, service or idea
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to repeat a process in order to improve a product, service or idea
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After the initial user testing, the engineers decided to iterate their development process to include better computer features
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sequences of processes or tasks that
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it’s almost inevitable that conflict will ensue
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chętny do finalizacji transakcji Lernen beginnen
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stłumione uczucia/emocje/nie wyrażone Lernen beginnen
pent-up feelings/emotions/ not expressed After the project’s success the team let out their pent-up excitement in a party
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to wear formal or fancy clothing
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to put one’s clothes on a line to dry after washing
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to put an article of clothing and a hanger
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to remove an item if clothing
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to wear something quickly and without thought