Ewa 30th Sept (45 min)

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Myślę, że coś mnie rozkłada.
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I think I'm coming down with sth.
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I think I'm coming down with flu.
myć zęby
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to brush / clean your teeth
How often do you brush your teeth?
Powinnam była powiedzieć mu prawdę.
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I should have told him the truth.
Powinieneś był sprzedać ten samochód w zeszłym roku.
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You should have sold this car last year.
dzisiaj rano
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this morning
bardzo dawno temu / wieki temu
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ages ago
I watched this film ages ago.
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put your feet up
I just want to put my feet up this weekend.
z tyłu głowy
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in the back of my mind
The problem was always in the back of my mind.
w przyszły wtorek
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next Tuesday
nie wolno tu palić
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you mustn't smoke here
nie wolno tu pić alkoholu
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you mustn't drink alcohol here
Jak mówi się dzień dobry po hiszpańsku?
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How do you say good morning in Spanish?
Jak to się mówi po francusku?
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How TO say it in French?
Oni powiedzieli nie.
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They said no.
I asked them to give me a discount, but they said no.
Porozmawiajmy a naszych planach.
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Let's talk / speak about our plans.
Powiedz mi prawdę.
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Tell me the truth.
Dlaczego powiedziałeś swojej żonie o tym?
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Why did you tell your wife about it?
Powiedz jej jutro.
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Tell her tomorrow.
Na twoim miejscu nie mówiłbym mu.
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If I were you, I wouldn't tell him.

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