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Lernen beginnen
loss of hearing
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dizziness associated with balance disturbance
otitis externa
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infection of the external ear canal
middle-ear effusion
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collection of the fluid in the middle ear
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a hereditary disease where spongy bone is formed around the stapes causing progressive deafness
Lernen beginnen
buzzing noise in one or both ears
cauliflower ear
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deformation of the pinna as a result of repeated injury to the pinna
acoustic neuroma
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benign (nonmalignant) tumor of the acoustic nerve
otitis interna
Lernen beginnen
infection of the inner ear
Lernen beginnen
infection of the mastoid process (the bone behind the ear)
Lernen beginnen
infection of the mastoid process (the bone behind the ear)
Lernen beginnen
infection of the labyrinth
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a tumourlike mass of dead epithelial cells and cholesterol in the middle ear (also called 'pearl tumour')
otitis media
Lernen beginnen
infection of the middle ear

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