expressions 13

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z bliska
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up close
I saw one of them up close.
być czymś obdarzonym
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be possessed of something
Seems you're possessed of sound judgment.
być solą w czyimś oku, budzić niechęć
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to be a thorn in someone's side
He was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.
od dłuższego czasu
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for some time
wczesnym rankiem
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bright and early
zmienić zdanie
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have a change of heart
mieć pierwszeństwo przed czymś
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take precedence over something
seria nieprzyjemnych zdarzeń
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spate of something
Route 303 services have been suspended as a result of the spate of attacks.
w nadchodzących dniach
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in the coming days
do tej pory
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up to now
mieć pierwszorzędne znaczenie
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be of paramount importance
The safety of our passengers and staff is of paramount importance to us.
na chwilę obecną
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for the time being
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as of
We won't be living here anymore as of tomorrow. As of next month, all the prices will go up.
to mało prawdopodobne
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seems unlikely
robić z czegoś wielkie halo
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make a thing of something
She'd seen me eat her food before, but this was the first time she ever made a thing of it.
w rozsypce, w stanie agonalnym
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in shambles
Her business was in shambles.
dać sobie spokój
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call it quits
Let’s call it quits for today.
z nawiązką
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and then some
At this point, I've paid him back and then some.
pójść niezgodnie z planem
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go sideways
You should be as prepared as possible in case things go sideways.
deptać komuś po piętach
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be hot on someone's heels
The two men were running with a police officer hot on their heels.

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