Family members in Portuguese

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Frage Antworten
family members
Lernen beginnen
membros da família (
Lernen beginnen
pai (m.)
Lernen beginnen
mãe (f.)
Lernen beginnen
filho (m.)
Lernen beginnen
filha (f.)
Lernen beginnen
irmão (m.)
Lernen beginnen
irmã (f.)
Lernen beginnen
avó (f.)
Lernen beginnen
avô (m.)
Lernen beginnen
tia (f.)
Lernen beginnen
tio (m.)
Lernen beginnen
sobrinho (m.)
Lernen beginnen
sobrinha (f.)
Lernen beginnen
primo (m.)
Lernen beginnen
neto (m.)
Lernen beginnen
neta (f.)

Study Family members in Portuguese

Have you ever thought about speaking Portuguese? Why not? Start with Family members and have a look at this wonderful language! Maybe you do not even know the correct spelling of Family members in Portuguese, hm? You needn't worry! The answer is just in this lesson: thanks to our team's flashcards, you will also have the possibility to learn or just improve your pronunciation, with our audio recordings! Are you still thinking this will not come in handy? How can you be so sure? This is the coolest part about learning a new language! The secret is all about repetition: with our method, you will have the possibility to practise what you learned in order to remember it! Stop wasting your time on useless apps! Start right now withFamily members in Portuguese!

Reasons to learn Portuguese

There are many reasons to learn Portuguese! First of all, Portuguese is a absorbing language. Speaking Portuguese will offer professional opportunities and simply make you smarter! Are you still not persuaded? Hm, probably you are not someone who likes to be challenged ...! Speaking a new language is surely not so common. You could obtain a admirable result "almost" alone! Do you think you can master a new foreign language with our company? Give us (and give yourself) the possibility!

How to learn Portuguese efficiently

Our language learning tool will take care of your Portuguese vocabulary by scheduling repetitions of the words in Portuguese you didn't know making you remember more in less time.

Learn Portuguese fast and efficiently!

If you feel awkward while speaking Portuguese, make sure to take a look at our lessons and gain the confidence by studying Portuguese daily!

Portuguese flashcards that may interest you!

Make sure to take a look at our Portuguese language courses and don't forget to check our other flashcards on Portuguese language.

Start with our lesson on Family members in Portuguese! You are going to love it!

With us you can learn Portuguese with numerous language courses developed by professionals.

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