frail body

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Zjazd orzesterowanej gity. Blank staire. You don't recognise me. You're not breathing.
Your death makes me wish heaven was real
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Balladowa Gitarka na początku. Balladowa, śpiewany bridges. "Search for your comfort between branches and leaves". oraz You were so full of life
Traditions in verses
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bicie gitarki na początku. Teach me your traditions. Picking petals one by one. Will you forget dreams that you had? I’m still chasing those sunsets over bated breath And you’re still in pain. (chce żeby jej życie powróciła jako żywa)
Cold new home
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My breath is slowing weaker I'm so at peace with giving up The tile floor is my new home And here I'll rest
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how insignificant life is at very end. The juxtaposition of a rich and complex life ending in a rented bed.
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The sum of a life shrinks with time A second death denied But I fear the ink in this pen Will never dry. And you're just five pounds of carbon
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So gift me your breath, I'll give you mine
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Empty void in the sky It comes in waves at night Where were your arms outstretched? Weren't you supposed to catch?
No resolution
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artificial buqet

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