Future Going To

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Cosa indosserai per la festa?
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What are you going to wear for the party?
E' un bel giorno, andrò a camminare
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It's a nice day, I'm going walk
Andrò ad Amsterdam
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I'm going to Amsterdam
Ho fame, andrò a mangiare
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I'm hungry, I'm going to eat
Andrò a coricarmi per un ora
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I'm going to lie down for one hour
Sono le 9, sarò in ritardo
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It's nine o'clock, I'm going to be late
sto' per fare una doccia
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I'm going to have a shower
ho intenzione di comprare una nuova macchina
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I'm going to buy a new car
uscirò con alcuni amici, perchè non vieni con noi?
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I'm going out with some friends, why do not you come with us?
c'è un meeting domani ma io non andrò
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there is a meeting tomorrow but I'm not going
i miei genitori andranno in vacanza la settimana prossima. Dove andranno?
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my parents are going on holliday next week. Where are they going?
lei non verra' con noi
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she isn't going to come with us
lui verra' con noi?
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is he going to come with us?
quando se ne andranno?
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when are they going to leave?
lui sta vincendo
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he is going to win
loro saranno molto stanchi domani
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they are going to be very tired tomorrow
questo hotel ci costerà un sacco di soldi
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this hotel is going to cost us a lot of money
se non hai l'ombrello ti bagnerai
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if you do not have an umbrella you are going to get wet
lui si alzerà alle 5?
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is he going to get up at 5 o'clock?

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