Gadiel 3

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by the book
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following the rules, process/procedure
corner the market
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particular market, niche market
Easy come easy go
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laissez faire
laissez faire
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nonchalant, Easy come easy go
game plan
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long-term strategy
action plan
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immediate plan for right now
Get down to business
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stop small talks
Get something off the ground
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start it/begin
Go down the drain
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start again
Go the extra mile
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. To make a special effort. so you can repair a tear in his, Doing more than what is needed
Hands are tied
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Lernen beginnen
In a nutshell
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Using as few words as possible
In full swing
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The project is at its highest level of productivity, Optimum level of productivity
In the driver’s seat
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in control
keep your eye on the ball
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Maintain concentration/Full focus
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Something that is very obvious
No strings attached
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No special demands/expectations
Not going to fly
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It's not going to work out
Put all one’s eggs in one basket
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Don't rely on only one thing to bring success, Diversify
Put the cart before the horse
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To do or think about things in the wrong order
Raise the bar
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To set standards or expectations higher
Red tape
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