Gadiel v4

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Rock the boat
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To do or say something that will upset people or cause problems
Safe bet
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Something that is certain to happen
See eye to eye
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To agree with somebod
See something through
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To continue until something is finished
Sever ties
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To end a relationship
Shoot something down
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unbijsc pomysły
Smooth sailing
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A situation where success is achieved without difficulties
Stand one’s ground
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To not change your opinion or justify your decision
Take the bull by the horns
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To directly confront a difficult situation in a brave and determined way
Talk someone into something
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Convince someone to do something
Time’s up
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Time for something or someone has ended
Twist someone’s arm
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To convince someone to do something that he or she does not want to do.
Up in the air
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Something is undecided or uncertain
Uphill battle
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Something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties
Upper hand
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To have more power than anyone else and so have control
Word of mouth
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Something is given or done by people talking about something or telling people about something
win-lose situation
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only one happy
To take something with a grain of salt
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