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Schronienie, schron
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Secondly, we told people to go down in their basements and build a fallout shelter.
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It's a fish farm in the southwestern corner of Spain.
Przyjmować, wziąć, przyjąć, zabierać
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To take
The commission also needs to take a strong position to protect the ban.
Pomoc, wsparcie
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Naturally, this support must be in addition to regular aid.
Pracownicy, robotnicy
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It also provides that every worker has the right to limitation of maximum working hours.
Stan, państwo, byt, sytuacja
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It is important that the report actually highlights this unsatisfactory state of affairs.
Plony, rośliny uprawne
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This soil produces splendid crops.
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In the case of China and Russia, for example, many hundreds of millions of village dwellers have no social insurance, no access to basic medical and health care, and no pension.
Zawierać, obejmować
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However, intercultural dialogue should include interdenominational dialogue.
Kiedykolwiek, kiedy tylko
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Whenever we are talking about facts certain opinions must be excluded.
Prawie, odnośnie, niemal, o, około, na temat, wokół
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In this context I should like to make four points about the 2017 budget.
Arkusz, kartka, prześcieradło
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When the five minutes were over, I would say, "Pass me the sheets of paper, and I'll pay you a dollar per question.
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At one point, your screen is filled up with leaves.
Dostarczyć, zapewnić, udzielić, zaopatrzyć
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To provide
It should provide benefits for the economy and society.
Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych
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The United Nations
In addition, the EU has strongly supported the United Nations efforts.
Przynajmniej, co najmniej
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At least
That is why this distinction is essential, at least in the register.
Obszar, powierzchnia, zakres, okolica
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The armed conflict in the area can only be resolved by way of a political solution.
Potem, po, za
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The day after, let us not kid ourselves, it will be in Milan and, shortly after that, it will be in Bruksela or Paris.
Natychmiast, zaraz, od razu
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Right away
It is important that they should be approved right away.
Nas wszystkich
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All of us
On top of this, forests are essential for all of us and are part of our identity.
Pojazd, wehikuł
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Road accidents are caused both by human error and by poor vehicle condition.
Trujący, jadowity
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Cyanide is a highly poisonous chemical.
Ostatnio, niedawno
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Until recently, these historical facts were completely denied by the USSR.
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Let us hope for open discussions, both with the opposition and with the government.
Taki, takowy, w ten sposób
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Furthermove, I really do hope that this is the last time that this will happen in such a way.
Tani, niskonakładowy
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Low-cost companies provide 427,000 jobs directly or indirectly.
Na zlecenie, zamawiać, kazać
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To order
We are already aware of several instances where employers are ordering their employees to speak Slovak.
Dostawy, zaopatrzenie, zasoby
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According to media reports, humanitarian organisations food supplies have almost been exhausted.
Pokrycie, pokrywa, okładka, osłona
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It is legitimate to cover costs and keep a profit margin for participants.
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It is therefore important for us to continue with the expansive financial policy.
Cel, bramka, gol
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Clearly, however, that is not the final goal, but is no more than a starting point.

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