History of Great Britain

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Vikings, from France
order to creation Great Britain
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Celts, Romans, Anglo - Saxons, Normands
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King Artur
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against Anglo-Saxons
Hadrian Wall
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It marked the northern frontier of the Roman Empire, built by Roman army
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Beaker People, Picts
Magna Carta
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king and goverment was not above the law, drawn up by English barons and leaders, John Lackland agreed 1215
John Wycliff
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forerunner the Protestant Reformation, creator od Lollards, promoter the first complete translation of the Bible into English
Hundred years war
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struggle between France and England, French victory, English expulsion from continental France
Emma of Normandy
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rich, mother of Edward Confessor
war of two roses
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Yorks vs Lanchester, victory of Henry 7 Tudor (Lanchester), who married Elizabeth of York
Causes of the end of the manorial system
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population growth, specialization of manors, and the shift toward market.
Parliament: Simon de Montfort's Parliament and Edward I's
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Parliament: Simon de Montfort's Parliament and Edward I's - early representation beyond nobility, formalized representation from clergy, nobility, and commoners.
Evolution of legal system
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jury instead of trial by ordeal
Justice of the Peace
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local judicial officers with administrative duties.
Henry 7
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reducing nobility power, strengthening monarch's authority.
Henry 7
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Expanded role of Star Chamber for judicial control over nobles.
peace with Spain (Henryk 7 arranged a marriage)
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Artur + Catherine of Aragon
peace with Sweden (Henryk 7 arranged a marriage)
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Margaret Tudor + James 4
children of Henryk 7
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children: Artur, Margaret and Henryk 8 (after death he married sister of his brother)
Key advisors (Henryk 7)
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Thomas Wolsey and Thomas Cromwell.
Act of Six Articles (Henryk 8)
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affirmed traditional Catholic beliefs
Dissolution of monasteries (Henryk 8)
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leading to economic changes and social upheaval.
Mixed reactions for reforms (Henryk 8)
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Thomas More objected to the break, refused to accept Henry as head of church, executed for treason
Edward's reign (son of the Henryk 8)
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Protestant reforms, including Book of Common Prayer.
Mary reign
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reversed Protestant reforms, returned England to Catholicism, improved relations with Rome, persecuted Protestants
marriage of Mary
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Philip II of Spain, leading to military conflicts in Europe.
religion in elizabeth's reign
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creating a moderate Protestant church, the Anglican Church, which aimed to accommodate both Catholic and Protestant subjects.
Elizabeth 1
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creating a moderate Protestant church, the Anglican Church, which aimed to accommodate both Catholic and Protestant subjects.
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Francis Drake and John Hawkins
James VI/I, king of England and Scotland
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the idea of divine right of kings, uniting England and Scorland. promoted foreign Policy Goals, but faced Opposition due to religious differences
English Civil War
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Charles I's conflict, Royalists (supporting the king) and Parliamentarians (led by Oliver Cromwell), defeat of Royalists and Charles I's execution
Oliver Cromwell
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the Commonwealth, the New Model Army
James II Stuart overthrown
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daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange in the 'Glorious' Revolution.
Act of Union (Mary and William)
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united England and Scotland, forming Great Britain
Act of Settlemen (Marry and William)
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England mustnt have a christian king or married with christian
Bill of Rights (Mary and William)
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contitutional monarchy.
Problems with Parliamentary Representation
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Voting methods favored the aristocracy
Great Reform Act of 1832 and Chartism
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middle class men got suffrage
Queen Victoria
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industrialization, imperialism, and social change.
Workers' Movement
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working-class faced poor conditions.
Women's Suffrage
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Emily Davison's death during a protest, World War I contributed to suffrage extension
Charles 2
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theaters cama beak, The Great Fire, the Great Plague
Charles 1
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was killed after Civil war

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