Honorata 26th July

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Boli mnie.
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I'm in pain.
Czy coś cię boli?
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Are you in pain?
Przykro mi to słyszeć.
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I'm sorry to hear that.
być w czymś dobrym
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to be good AT sth
She's good at maths.
być podekscytowanym czymś
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to be excited ABOUT sth
I'm excited about our holiday.
umówić się na wizytę (dentystyczną)
I'd like to book an appointment with my GP, please.
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to make a (dental) appointment / to book an appointment
I'd like to make an appointment, please.
Nie byłam na to psychicznie gotowa.
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I wasn't mentally ready for that.
jechać na wakacje
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to go on holiday
do NOT say: go FOR holiday
wyjechać nad morze
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to go to the seaside
aby uniknąć słońca
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to avoid the sun
I think you should avoid the sun.
ząb mądrości
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a wisdom tooth
wyrwanie zęba
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a tooth extraction
How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?
to było takie trudne pytanie
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it was such a difficult question
leczyć się prywatnie
leczyć się na Fundusz
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to go private
to go public
to łóżko jest złe
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this bed is bad
sytuacja kryzysowa, awaryjna
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an emergency
This door should only be used in an emergency.
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a wheel
a wheel and WILL and NOT homonyms!
Pomogę ci.
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I'll help you.
Ta recepcjonistka kazała mi zadzwonić w przyszłym tygodniu.
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This receptionist told me to call next week.
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Poor thing.
Trzymaj się.
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Hang in there.

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