Houses, flats and rooms

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accommodation contains furniture
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fully-furnished accommodation
accommodation which can be rented for short periods of time
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Short-let accommodation
the part of town where there are lots of private houses and no factories or other work places
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a residential area
a small flat designed for one person
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a studio flat
kitchen that is already equipped with modern cooker, washing machine, cupboards, etc.
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a fully-fitted kitchen
to change and become someone or something different
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turn into
We want to turn our garage into a granny flat.
to leave a place where you have lived or worked in order to go somewhere else
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move out of
Next week I have to move out of my flat (London)
repair, repaint and decorate (a house)
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do up
Xavier makes a business out of doing up old houses.
to provide a view of, especially from above
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Our bedroom overlooks the garden
a place that belongs to you
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a place of your own
to go to a different place to live or work
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move into
New people have moved into the house next door. I haven’t met them yet.
large and with a lot of space
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not having enough space or time
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to relax and make yourself comfortable in someone else's home
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make yourself at home
(To a guest who’s just arrived) Come in and make yourself at home while I finish getting dinner ready.
to feel comfortable and relaxed
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feel at home
I haven’t lived in Oxford for long but I already feel at home here.

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